Chapter 2

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Sophie's POV:

       "Do you know where Tam went?" Biana asked me as I stood by my locker. "I really need to talk to him."

       I thought about what Tam had told me.

       "Biana is still being really annoying so can you make sure she doesn't follow me?"

       So I shook my head and continued to get the stuff out of my locker. "I have no idea where he went, but I'm betting he's on his way home since it is the end of the day,"

       Biana looked a little upset at first, but then she just shrugged before saying, "Well, Linh and I are going into town to get some Starbucks. Do you want to come?"

       I shook my head. "I'd love to, but I promised Fitz and Keefe I'd watch them at practice," Both boys were starting to get on my nerves, but they were also my friends, so I had to be there for them.

       Biana gave me a knowing smirk. "Sounds like you need to start making up your mind Miss Foster. Who's it going to be?"

       I rolled my eyes at her. "No one; I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life. Maybe after college I'll live a peaceful life as a single-as-a-pringle farmer."

       Biana crinkled up her nose. "I can see you doing many things Sophie, but farming is not one of them."

       We both had a good laugh at that before Biana waved bye and walked toward the front doors. Before I left, I walked down to my favorite teacher, Mr. Teirgan's classroom, and told him goodbye like I did every other day.

       I checked the time on my phone as I walked out the doors of the school and to the parking lot. "Oh shoot!" I exclaimed. Football practice started at 3:30 and it was 3:57!

       I ran as fast as I could to my car, but as I ran, I tripped over the air and fell onto the pavement. I thrust my hands in front of me, dropping my phone in the process. My hands and knees felt like they were on fire and when I looked over I saw that my phone had a giant crack in it.

       "Oh no," I mumbled as I struggled to pick it up. "Edaline's going to kill me," I noticed that my hands had blood-filled gashes, and the only thing I could think to do was wipe it off on my jeans.

       It wasn't much of a fashion statement, but it was practical.

       I did my best to get up off the ground, grimacing as pain shot through my knees, and I walked closer to my car. I got in and was about to start it up when I noticed someone laying next to a car on the other side of the parking lot.

       I automatically knew something was wrong and quickly got out of my car. I walked over to the figure as fast as I could, and when I got there, I screamed.

       Lying in a pool of blood, was Tam Song. I knelt down next to him, feeling my eyes fill with tears as I tried to shake him awake.

       His eyes were closed, his face looked gaunt, and he had a knife stuck in his stomach. I reached my hand to his neck and checked his pulse.

       There was nothing.

       "No," I whispered to myself as I shook him again. "You can't be dead. You still have your whole life ahead of you." Tears started pouring out of my eyes and I cried loud, ugly sobs. "Come on Tam, please...."

       I quickly pulled out my phone and tried to turn it on, but it was no use. When I dropped it, it must've broken it as well. I looked around, but there was no one in sight.

       I don't want to leave him. I thought, looking back at Tam's lifeless body.

       I stood up to realize that I had Tam's blood all over my shirt and pants. I walked a little farther away from Tam and noticed that Dex's car was still here. I looked around to see if I could spot him, and thankfully he was walking right out of school.

       More tears spilled out of my eyes as I ran toward Dex. When he noticed me he looked confused and a little terrified.

       "What the heck?" He said as I pulled him into a suffocating hug. "What's wrong Sophie; and why do you have blood all over your clothes?"

       I cried even harder as I dragged Dex across the parking lot and to where Tam was still lying.

       "I just came over and he was here." I said, trying to wipe my puffy eyes. I looked up at Dex who was staring with his mouth agape. "He's dead Dex,"

       Dex looked extremely terrified as he pulled out his phone. "Why didn't you call someone?" He asked, still staring at Tam.

       I sniffed. "I fell and broke my phone,"

       Dex nodded and pulled me into a hug as he dialed 911. "My friend is dead in the parking lot and I have no idea what to do," He said. He sounded genuinely scared and worried.

       I held onto Dex for dear life as I stared at Tam's lifeless body. I couldn't believe it. Who would want to kill Tam? He always kept to himself and he'd never done anything wrong.

       Dex ended the call and stuffed his phone back into his pocket as he hugged me tighter. "Did you see anyone else when you came out here?" He asked.

       I shook my head, my voice sounding hollow as I said, "I was on my way to go watch Keefe and Fitz at Football practice and he was just here."

       Dex let out a long breath, and we stayed there in each other's arms for a long time before the police and ambulance came. The police asked us tons of questions and then told us that we needed to alert all of the close friends and family of Tam.

       Dex offered to drive with me to the Hospital while he called everyone. I nodded as we drove and had to hear all the devastating responses from my friends.

       All of them didn't believe it at first, but soon they were all at the hospital. After talking about what had happened, Linh ran into the bathroom and a puffy-eyed Biana ran after her. Fitz's eyes became blood-shot, and Keefe just paced around the waiting room over and over.

       I stayed seated next to Dex and I just replayed the moment over and over in my head. 

       Had anyone been around that I hadn't seen? 

       Could I have prevented it?

KOTLC: Murder At Foxfire (Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now