Chapter 1

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Tam's POV:

*Ring ring ring*

       I sighed in relief, knowing the three rings meant the end of the school day. I grabbed my backpack, and practically bolted out of class. I had barely set my foot out the door when I heard heels clacking in the hallway and an excited shriek. 

       "Tammy boyyy," Biana called in a singsong voice. I froze mid step, and immediately tried to back up into the classroom only to find a blockade of chattering students in my way. I looked up to see Biana giggling excitedly and walking towards me. I let out a breath, knowing that I would have to talk my way out of this one.

       "Listen Biana, I really don't want to deal with this today, or any day for that matter. I like you, but I don't want to be in a relationship right now. Just please leave me alone, I'll tell you when I'm ready." She frowned slightly, but it was quickly replaced by a smile.

       "Oh, Tam. We both know you are ignoring your true feelings. There's no need to hide them anymore! Together we will be happy, and-" I cut her off by grabbing her shoulders. I gently pushed her to the side, and ran for my life. I saw Sophie putting books away in her locker, so I stopped for a second to ask for some help.

       "Sophie, Biana is still being really annoying so can you make sure she doesn't follow me? Thanks, bye!" Sophie looked confused, but nodded her head, and that was the only signal I needed to continue sprinting down the hall. As soon as I reached the front doors I shoved them open and slowed to a stop.

       Thank god, I thought to myself. I took my time walking to the parking lot, and I was almost there when I heard an explosion behind me. I spun around to see smoke coming out of a small can on the ground. A figure started to emerge from behind the veil of fog, and I mentally facepalmed.

       "Keefe....what are you doing?" Keefe was in full view know, his smirk clearly visible.

       "That's Lord Hunkyhair to you, Bangs Boy." He wagged a finger disapprovingly. "And to answer your question, I'm having a little fun! What's life without a little excitement here and there?" I rolled my eyes and turned to keep walking. I hoped he would just walk away, but I had no such luck. Keefe jogged to catch up with me, talking about football at the same time. We were both on the school football team, the Foxfire Football Team (really interesting name, I know), and playoffs were scheduled to start next week.

      As much I hate to admit it, I was actually excited for the season. It also gave me something to do. I used to just go home every day and sit around watching Netflix while Linh told me I needed to go out and do something. I always just ignored her, and she would storm out of the room, frustrated. At homecoming, we had a pretty big fight, and I think all of the down time wasn't helping. So when Fitz proposed I started playing school sports, I think it helped more than just me.

       "Hello, Bangs Boy? You still with me?" Keefe was snapping his fingers in my face while looking into my eyes. I quickly shook my head and scowled. I grabbed his hand to stop the snapping as he straightened up.

      "Yeah, whatever. What do you want?" I snapped at him.

       "I was just reminding you that we have our last practice today before our first game on Friday" Keefe said.


       "Crap, I forgot. Let me just go grab my bag and stuff from my car. I'll meet you on the field." He nodded, and headed back towards the school while I went to my car. I always parked in the corner because I didn't want people to either hit my car or try to talk to me if we were parked next to each other. I unlocked the car with my keys, and opened the trunk. I put my backpack down, and reached out to grab my black duffel bag with all of my football stuff in it.

       Right when my fingers brushed the bag, I heard breathing coming from behind me. Thinking it was Keefe just being annoying again, I paid it no attention. I heard the sound of what sounded like leather on metal, so I quickly spun around. I instantly felt a sharp pain in my stomach, and I looked down to see a knife stuck in my body. 

       Before I had time to glance up and see who stabbed me, they whispered, "You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that." They ran away into the parking lot, leaving me slowly bleeding out. And that was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

KOTLC: Murder At Foxfire (Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now