Mikia has been friends with Dixie dmelio for over 10 years. Dixie finally gets excepted into the hype house to she take Mikia along. That's where she meets the lopez brothers. Ondreaz starts to grow a bit of feelings for Mikia as so he realizes the...
I woke up in Ondreaz head close to him I changed into this
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I got up feeling tired from a few days ago. Charli is already up of course. It was probably about 6:45 am (in the morning). Charli sta next to me and I thought we'd finally get to have a conversation but she looked like fucked up worried. "We need to practice your kiss!" She screamed. I laughed and told her to take a break. After she laid upstairs and I finally had some peace I made myself some tea and decided to watch tv cause I was bored. I heard the door ring so I answered it. "Hi?" I said to the man. He handed me a package and told me he was from amazon and was told to send this package early. I looked at the name and saw it was for me so I opened it. "OH MY HOD YES!" I screamed jumping. I ordered a cute flower crown for our wedding.
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It was very beautiful and I went upstairs to put it on to see how it looked. I put it on my head in mine and Ondreaz's room. "It's beautiful." I thought. I put it on my dresser and went downstairs. I grabbed my head phones and put them on and started listening to 'with out me by Halsey' and started listening. When I got back down I was startled by tony shirtless behind the counter. I hugged him putting my head on his shoulder. He smirked and kissed my head. "Morning." He said. "Morning tony!" I said smiling. I took off my headphones and sat down. "So you excited?" He asked putting an egg on my plate. "Well the practice sex is not fun. I wanna have sex when I want to!" I said. He nodded. "Well you don't have to do it anymore until your honeymoon. He said smiling. I looked around and saw a guitar and I decided to try singing. I ran up and got my laptop and a microphone that plugs into the computer. I hooked up my headphones and played the melody I had installed. (Listen to the song up top so you understand what's she singing.) I started playing then singing. Tony came over and sat by me. "How does it feel when the liquor runs out.." I sang. Tony smiled and started listening. I kept singing and he clapped with me. I became more confident as Charli and Dixie came down to listen to me. They both sat by tony and then Alex and Kover came sitting down too. I smiled feeling good for once. As I got close to the end they started telling me to do it again without everything. I nodded and closed my computer and took off my headphones. I only had my guitar. I started playing and they smiled clapping at the more intense parts. I didn't see Ondreaz come down and listen from the kitchen. "Let all out I wish you gave me something to cry about!" I sang hitting a high note. I didn't even feel like they were there I just imagined at mine and Ondreaz's wedding me singing for us while everyone is dancing. I got up dancing around to my song. It was over and I snapped out of my dream as everyone clapped. I sighed in happiness. I grabbed all my stuff and went upstairs to a closet in the back of Ondreaz's room. I started setting up because I wanted to right a new song just for him. I got out my computer and started playing with the tune until I had the perfect one. Some had come in so I had to quickly pack up. I went out and looked around and saw Ondreaz laying on the bed sad. I was confused so I went out and sat next to him