3 weeks until the big day :)

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"CMON PEOPLE MOVE IT MOVE IT!" Charli screams clapping her hands. "TONY AND DRE IN THE LEFT LIMBO. DIXIE AND MIKIA IN THE RIGHT!" She screams pointing at the limbos. We run to the limbos as we secretly switch. So me and Ondreaz can be alone. I sit on his lap and rub around his dick. He started moaning quietly. "Shhhh. We're almost there." I say. Then we both get out and go into the stores he winked at me and I blushed. Dixie punched my arm. When we got in I tired like 8 of them on but none felt like right, until I found the perfect one.

Dixie squealed turning me towards the mirror

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Dixie squealed turning me towards the mirror. I loved it, it was stunning. "How much!" I asked. "2,000 dollars" she said happy. We bought it then got back in our correct limbos. I was so happy and excited. Once I got out Charli approached us looking angry. "Your 2 minutes late!" She screams. I look at Ondreaz laughing a bit. A woman comes outside and taps on charli's shoulder. she says something and her and Charli goes inside. "WELL COME ON PEOPLE WE HAVE WORK TO DO." Charli screams at us. We run inside. "Ondreaz Mikia over there we have some stuff to discuss." Charli says looking through her list. "So Mikia and Ondreaz you already know your parents can't come, BUT I am going to have Dixie walk Ondreaz and Tony walk Mikia." Charli says looming through her list. "Now the hunny moon. I booked you guys a week stay at Hawaii, I also booked the room with the bounciest mattress for sex." She says. I couldn't help but laugh a bit. She brought out 8 different kinds of cake. "Vanilla." Me and Ondreaz said together. We laughed. "Ok go to your room we have stuff to do here." Charli says pushing us upstairs. We go into the bathroom and lay on the bed. "We're getting married.." I said happily. He pulled my waist on his lap. "Babe we get a whole weekend to ourselves plus cake and kisses." He said massaging my thighs. I kissed him. "I DONT HERE MOANING!!" Charli screamed. I laughed so hard I probably shit myself. Charli came up. "Practice sex people." Charli says slapping her clipboard. "Not unlocking the door until I hear moaning." Charli said walking away with the key. Ondreaz started rubbing my clit but put his hand over my mouth. We both stripped and he put on protection. I started sucking him but he didn't moan. He pushed me on the bed and started going in and out of me thrusting me hard. I managed to moan through his hand and Charli started clapping downstairs. I couldn't help but laugh until I felt Ondreaz rubbing my clit as well as thrusting me. His dick was so big and he felt so good inside of me as always. I had the best orgasm but my legs started to shake and I started to hurt. "Baby I can't take anymore..." I said. He stopped and pulled out of me. "That's ok princess just tell me when you are
Done." He said kissing me. Charli unlocked the door and smiled at us. "Great." She said walking away. We laughed together until I started rubbing my clit again. I started moaning and put my leg by Ondreaz. He cuddled me. "Babe don't use all of your heat right now." He said removing my hand.
"I can't ever loose it when I'm around you." I said moaning the words. He smiled and put on
His boxers and gave me my bra and underwear. "I love you Mikia." He said running his hand through my hair. "I love you to Ondreaz." I said smiling.

My boy 😘 (Ondreaz Lopez)Where stories live. Discover now