Chapter 6

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Sophia's P.O.V

I twist my hair and put it into a tight bun. Then lay back down sighing.

A shadow casts over me. I open my eyes and look up. The sunshine's in my eyes from the corner of the figure. I pull my headphones out and sit up making the sun disappear behind the man's figure, my eyes focus.

"Oh hey Ryan. Uh I mean Whippet." I smile standing to my feet.

"Brooo, can you guys move please your blocking my sun light."

"Sorry Ave." I laugh and I move putting a hand on his arm directing him out of her light.

I take my hand off his arm realizing that I'm touching him,"So what's up?" I ask smiling.

Whippet's P.O.V

"I-" my voice cracks. I clear my throat, "I was wondering if...if you would like to Uh..go on a date with me sometime maybe tomorrow? I have the day off." I ask nervously rubbing the back of my neck.

"Uh." She looks over at her friend who is nodding profusely my breath hitches. She turns back to me, "Uh sure. What time?"

"Uh..." crap I didn't think this far ahead. "Um how's 12:00 for some lunch? Or we could go out for dinner at 5.."

"Dinner sounds great!" She smiles

"Great! I'll meet you back here?" I ask

"Yeah perfect." She beams,

"Great, see you then.." I smile nervously.

She giggles at my nervousness, "See you then Whip." She smiles her blue green eyes sparkling in the sun.

I smile and put my hand out as a wave as I walk back to the tower.

I breathe out.


I make my way up the stairs of the Tower beaming.

"Did you get her?" Harries asks looking away from the binos. He sees the big smile on my face. "Ohhh! He did!" He claps his hand on my back. "Good on ya!" Harries tells me smiling.

Sophia's P.O.V

I watch as he gets in the tower.

"Oh. my. gosh!" I squeal, "Avery! Did you hear that!" I shout

"Yeah I was right here,"

"He asked me OUT! He asked me out! Shit...he asked me out. What am I going to wear!" I ask plopping down on my towel.

"What you always wear?" She tells me bluntly peaking over her book.

"No! Ave like I need something nice to wear. Like I dress or a business look, maybe a sundress!" I ramble

"Girl!" She shuts me up. "What you wear is always nice. Don't worry. Tomorrow we can go shopping if you want and get something even nicer. But just to warn you he probably isn't going to be in a tux. So no sparkly dresses and definitely not a business look, are you going on a date or an interview?"


"Sundress is a good idea but make sure that it will stay down if a gust of wind comes round."

"Okay..." I think of us on a walk and a gust of wind lifts my dress, or when I bend down to pick up something abd the wind comes, "Yeaaahh, maybe not a sundress.."

"What about an Romper? That way it's impossible to fly up."

"Ouuuu! Now theres an idea!"

"What can I say I'm full of good ideas." She tells me then looks over at me and smiles with closed eyes.

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