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Taeyong was awake... it was a miracle, both Taeil and Jaemin said he wouldn't make it.

We were all sitting around the dinner table finally being able to eat together and peacefully. Laughter and our conversations all piling up making a very loud dining room but it wasn't disturbing it was actually quite comforting.

I look around the dining room seeing the dreamies lit up faces especially Jisung and Jaemin.

Jaehyun and Yuta were finally laughing and smiling  beautifully.

Johnny finally happy at the sight of seeing Mark, hyuck, Ten and I happy.

Lucas, jeno and win win  were finally out of their rooms for the first time In a month.

Jungwoo and doyoung were finally back to being the ball of sunshine they are.

XiaoJun, yang yang, and Hendery finally started eating again.

Chenle and renjun were joking around with each other

And then I saw Taeyong, proud at the sight of everyone together... happy.

But suddenly Taeil runs out of the kitchen with a note in his hand panicked written all over his face.


He sat down and Taeyong and I tried calming him down before he started talking.

" it's okay buddy, tell us what happened." Taeyong says in a calming voice. Taeil's expression was a mix of anger and worry.

He gulped hard before handing over the note to me not moving his eyes away from the table, his hand trembling in fear.

I took the note and read it out loud...

We know your location... so if you want your medical help and your little whore to stay alive get rid of the  dikes in your mafia. My crew has plenty homophobes it's not fair for them. Get rid of the gays or Jaemin Taeil and Y/N will be killed. You have until Monday next week at 5:00 pm we're coming for you.

My eyes filling with water and anger taking over my face I clench the paper in my hand. I look directly at Johnny Taeyong was super confused not knowing anything about Johnny and Ten, since they came out while Taeyong was in a coma.

" ok... what the hell is going on?" Taeyong asks in a demanding tone.

I take a deep sigh and look at Johnny Ten Mark an hyuck. Mark and hyuck haven't came out but I caught them on accident and mark told me the truth.

" Taeyong..." Johnny takes a deep breath before speaking. " me and Ten are in a relationship."

Suddenly Hyuck stands up slamming his hand against the table. " I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! ME AND MARK ARE TOGETHER!!!!!!!." He yelled super loudly and his voice could probably be heard for miles.

Everyone except Johnny and I was super shocked. But what shocks us more is win win and Yuta stand up hand in hand.

" us too." They both say. At this point I thought everyone would come out but no one else did meaning these are the only gays... but we're not going to get rid of them... they are family.

" Anyone else?" Taeyong says. Everyone kept quiet meaning no. When Taeyong got his response he got super serious. " EVERYONE IN THE MEETING ROOM NOW!!!"  I followed them but half way up the stairs Taeyong stopped.

" y/n stay out of this... you're not apart of this group so stop meddling. Leave Tomorrow, you dont have much stuff take what you do have and never come back... dont speak about this... any of this." His voice was cold harsh  and bitter, I couldn't believe what he said. Soon tears wer falling down my cheeks.

" but Taeyong I thought you loved me why are you doing this?" I asked sobbing. Taeyong scoffs and has a nasty smirk on his face. " I used you for what I needed, I dont need you anymore get out." He says coldly before walking back upstairs, leaving me on the cold floor to sob.

I can't believe I let this bastard break me again~
I can't believe I gave him my trust again~
I can't believe he used me like that~
I can't believe after everything we've been through he's just going to make me leave... like if I was just his toy~

Those thoughts kept flooding my head me, still crying my heart out on the floor.

I went up to Tae's room got my bag that had my stuff and left no longer crying... but an angry expression on my face not caring about anyone, I up and left.

A/n: heyy so what did you think of this chapter?? This is the only chapter I am completely satisfied with. I like how it turned out... just a spoiler alert... Y/N becomes a total badass... if you want to know the rest read my next chapter... any way baiii~

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