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2 weeks later
" dude some one broke in they look like they're from IKON ALLL OF THEM ARE HERE!" Chenle interrupted My movie marathon with Taeyong.
" okay go take y/n-" " no Taeyong I will fight with you I'm part of this now so let me fight with you." I told him not wanting anything bad to happen to him. " fine. But you stay by me or Jaehyun the whole time,  come with me." He replied all in one breath.

He lead me to the weapons room, and I saw all kinds of weapons. There were acids, knives, guns, rifles, daggers, tazers,poison and I was overwhelmed by everything.

" catch." Taeyong quietly said throwing me a belt. It had a bunch of pockets. One for a glock, a taser, two spots for knives or daggers.

" use whatever you can handle... I cant make you do anything." He said loading his gun, while the others were already heading to were IKON was.

I grabbed one dagger only because I already had a dagger of my own. I grabbed a glock, loaded it and put it in the belt along with the daggers. Then I grabbed some injections (a/n: the thing they use to give you shots at the hospital I literally have no idea what to call them.) filled all 20 of them with poison and put them in the pocket where the taser is supposed to go,  I don't know how to use tasers so I decided to replace it.

" you're done?... grab this I taught you how to use one last week." He said handing me a rifle. I was overwhelmed by all of this especially because I didnt know the people that I had to fight with.

I dont like violence but if it's to protect the hq I will do anything.
I loaded the rifle and gave Taeyong a look signaling to him that I was ready to fight.

" let's go... fight the bad guys." Taeyong said with a wink. I just nodded and smiled at him.

As we left the weapon room you could hear all of the gunshots and screams.

Taeyong signaled me to go to the west wing of the headquarters. I was glad he trusted me enough to let me fight by myself.

I swiftly headed to the west wing keeping my guard up at all times. When I got there I saw some guys, but their faces were covered with a mask only letting me see their lips and eyes.

I could see one of the guys smirking for some reason. I just pointed my rifle at him as a warning that I would carelessly hurt him if he tried anything.

He and two of his friends came closer to me but I just stayed in my place, Jaehyun back to back with me.

" huh... what a surprise. Hello y/n." I immediately realized who was behind the mask but couldn't believe it.

" junhoe?" " wow... you still remember me. What a surprise. I thought you had just forgotten all about me when you heard the news." He said removing his mask. " yea well I dont think I can forget about my first love sleeping with my ex bestfriend. Oh yea so how is Hyuna doing, did she get an std yet?" I said scoffing.

" stop talking and shoot!" Chenle said over the intercoms. I didnt want to kill him that fast I wanted him to suffer, so I quickly aimed at his knee and shot twice. But for his friends... Let's just say I got a headshot.

" instead of killing you quickly I'll let you die slowly feel the pain that you made me feel." I said crouching down towards him.

" come on y/n, Tae's looking for you." Jaehyun said grabbing my arm.
" Yuta Jun Lucas Ten doyoung and I will cover for you." I just nodded at him.

I creeped my way over to Taeyong shooting some people on the way there there was still one member left in the house but I wanted to use my venom injections on him.

" hey babe... I'll shoot him." He said giving me a kiss. " nah~ I'll go up to him I want to inject someone and hes the last one left" " okay... I have a plan."

He told me the plan and told everyone to stand down unless something backfires. I gave him a small peck on the lips and got up.

" YOU KNOW YOURE THE ONLY ONE LEFT RIGHT??" I yelled at the IKON member. He smirked at me as I was walking up to him pointing my glock.
He didnt know that was just a distraction.

" I can kill you faster than a bullet y/n... so dont even try coming any closer. " once he said that I knew that it was hanbin junhoes bestfriend.

I walked up closer, and he quickly came up to me and put me in a chokehold. Instantly Taeyong came out of his hiding spot, but it was all part of the plan.

" LEAVE HER ALONE HANBIN!" He yelled. " you shoulda thought about that before she came up to me." He said.

Taeyong aimed his rifle, and smirked after lowering it. " she's not worth it." He said turning around. It was of course part of the plan.

" it looks like no one really loves you, that's great... you'll die lonely." He said. And I got the injection and quickly injected the poison in his neck.

He started to fall, and I got out of his hold pushing him on the floor with the push of one finger.

" dont be a jerk Hanbin, you're the one dying lonely... because you decided to torture your family." I said spitting on the floor and walking up to Taeyong.

Tae grabbed me by the waist. " it's me and you babe." " me and you always." I replied giving him a small kiss.

" alright are you two done being lovey dovey? Whose cleaning?" Jaemin interrupted. I giggled at his sudden action. " Jisung you and Lele clean everything. You haven't c-"

I was interrupted by the view of my brother walking up to me. As he was walking up to me I saw everyone had big smiles.

" jinyoung?" Tears were starting to form in my eyes but I never let them fall.

" hey y/n..... I missed you." " me too." I said running up to him and giving him a big hug. " please dont ever leave me again. " " I wont y/n I love you... so I dont want our mafias to have problems, we agreed on making our mafias partners meaning we work together for somethings."

" thankyou. Thankyou so much." " enough crying let's go eat and then lele and jisung will clean." I saw Jisung and lele pouting and I giggled.

" yonghee can you pass me the water?" I asked dehydrated.
" here." He said passing it over.

I was very happy. My brother and his friends were getting perfectly along with Taeyong and the others, everyone was happy. I missed just having peace with EVERYONE. No arguments no drama just peace.

We finished eating and planned on watching a movie but I suddenly wanted fresh air so I stood up and headed to the balcony.

I was enjoying the view of the city far a way, the swaying trees, all the wildlife. Feeling the cool breeze go through my hair. The golden sunset... everything was perfect.

" y/n!" I heard Taeyong say as he grabbed my waist. " hey babe" I replied giving him small kiss.

He looked at me for a while and leaned in for another kiss. It was the perfect kiss, the sunset set a mood for us,and our lips were syncing with one another. The kiss was so passionate I thought I could melt.

A/n: hi... so basically I'm ALMOST done with this story. But make sure that when this story finishes you go and check out my second story which I still haven't published because it will be published when I finish this one. Thank you all sooo much for all the support. I have like 600 something reads and to me that's crazy! Especially because I started this story barely two months ago. So yea thank you for supporting this story. Make sure that you vote, comment, and follow me. Anyways baiiii~

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