Smile part 1

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"Hello". Emily woke up and stumble out of bed, her legs are all floppy and everything a blur. She collapsed and laid on the floor clenching her heart as sweat ran down her forehead. She pushed herself up with all her power, still feeling woozy she looked around but saw nothing but darkness. All of a sudden she felt herrself falling, falling into nothing, an endless hole of nothing. She started to lose consciousness but then something caught her. Its arms felt safe and comforting like a mother holding her child dearly. She was positive it was her  mothers arms but as she whispered "go to sleep, everything will be fine" She realise that that wasn't her mothers comforting voice but the voice of a young boy. She look up and what she saw nearly caused her to pass out. The boy had long black hair and was wearing a white hoodie but the most frightening thing about him was that There was a smile carved into his face, and his eyebrows seem to had been burnt off.

She realise she wasn't in her bedroom anymore but instead tied to a chair at the table. She tried to move but he held a knife to her throat. "Do you want to live or do you want to be as pretty as them" he whispered. She looked over and saw her parents sitting at the table slumped over lifeless. Their throats had been slit and they had smiles carved into their faces. Blood oozed out of the place where their eyes were, filling up the plates with thick red blood. She tried to beg but he held the knife closer. She could now see the blood from his last victims as it driped to the floor. "Let me just carve you a little smile" he begged. She knew it was her only option if she didn't want to end up like her parents. He could see the fear in her eyes as she started to sweat. She watched the sharp pointed blade as it headed to her cheek. "All I want is a friend" he whispered.

Then she felt the pain as the knife dug into her skin. He carved down to her mouth but the pain wasn't over for her. The other side was just as painful. "Why don't you go look in the mirror" he chuckled. She stumbled up the stairs, blood dripping everywhere. When she finally reached the mirror, she looked at herself, her body was shivering and her palms were sweaty. She stumbled back in shock and tripped over a rubber ducky, falling to the ground. "What have you done to me" Emily screamed pushing herself up from the bloodstained floor as quickly as she could. "Don't you think you look pretty" he screamed madly. "No, no I don't" She muttered under her breathe in fear. "Well I think you do" he laughed hysterically. She looked at herself again, there was blood pouring out of her cheeks and she felt dizzy. She tried to run but before she could  she collapsed to the ground banging her head on the bathroom tiles. The last thing she saw was a  blaze of fire and she could hear the door go click. She woke up to the sound of sirens and people screaming." Get her to the room quick" one of the people screamed. She didn't understand what was  going on until she found herself in a surgery room. Before she could say a word, they stuffed a mask on her face. Everything went blurry, then black, pitch black. She woke up in a bed with bandages wrapped around her face and the rest of her body. She tried to move but her body didn't want to do what she wanted it to. A lady with long black hair walked in. "Good, your awake" she said  in a cheery voice. "H-how long have I been out for" Emily whispered trying to save her energy. The ladies smile quickly turned to a frown. "Two weeks" she said in a  voice. "Your parents sadly passed away but your lucky you survived" she says trying to cheer up. Emily doesn't know what to say or do so she just nods

That night she hears screams and sees her parents eyeless with smiles but she tries her best to ignore them and go to sleep knowing that it was just her eyes playing tricks on her. That morning the lady comes in with a box and a card. She hands them to Emily, then walks out. Emily opens the box with all her energy to see a mask. It's white with big black eyes and a wide bloody smile. The doctor walks in and she quickly stuffs the mask back into the box. After he leaves she takes the mask out one more time and takes a good look at it. She puts it back, then takes out the card. All it says is smile, with no signature or anything. Emily grabs the mask and puts it on. "I'll make sure you never harm anyone else and their family ever again" She shouts after realising who sent the mask and the card.

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