My Pain is Taken Away

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The pain I have recieved

throughout the years

by so many people

seemed to be impossible to fix


leaving a void inside my chest

where the feelings of love and happiness

are supposed to go

That was, anyway

until you came along

for beautiful, you see

you changed all that

My pain is taken away

through your loving touch

through your helpful words

guiding me along my path

My memories are thrown aside

by the love you spread

and the happiness you give me

mending that void

left so long ago

My past is left alone

left to rot

for thats not what matters now

no, all that matters to me is you

The pain I once held

deep inside my grasp

for I had nothing else

to hold onto

is now torn apart

into a million little pieces

since it no longer matters

for as long as I have you

It was replaced with a level of happiness

I never knew I could attain

given to me from you

and with that

I wish to thank you

and hope you know 

how much I love you

from the most hidden crevices inside my hearrt

never to escape or be let out

no matter what pain is brought to it again

for you are worth everything

that I could ever give

and then so much more

so I don't know why you picked me

of all the other, better guys, out there

but I am so happy you did

and I hope you know

how important you are

to me

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