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'Aren't you Mr. Davis's ex fiancée?' Mrs. Roberts grasps. 'You have to be. Even your name matches.'

Everything seems to happen in slow motion, zooming in on me. Due to her loud tone, people around us, standing randomly, stop talking among themselves and look at us. Their curious gaze lock on me, scrutinizing, trying to find the orphan girl, they all knew five years ago and despised.

I stare at her wide eyed, like a deer caught in headlight, not knowing how to act. Caden stiffens, also seemingly caught off guard for a second, he finds himself in time though.

Mr. Roberts looks at me with interest for the first time. He gives me a quick once over and asks his wife. 'Are you sure, honey?'

'Of course. How can I mistake Mr. Davis' fiancée for someone else?' Conviction rings clear in her voice. 'Aren't you, Ms. Thompson?'

Caden looks at me daringly to answer her, mockery twirls in his eyes but his voice is honey coated. 'Mrs. Roberts please. You can't address her like that at an event. I hope, you understand what I mean.' He comes to my aid like a good samaritan, ever the gentleman one. Note the sarcasm.

'I understand. Of course.' She gives me her fakest saccharine smile, her eyes twinkling with triumph, finally having a chance to spread the latest juicy gossip.

Even though I had an idea that this disaster could happen and I had somewhat of a mental preparation. A part of me still hoped that it would not. But at that moment I realise that nothing could make me full prepared to handle this or retaliate.

It feels like five years ago all over again but just in different context. The only difference is that may be I can change the outcome this time.

'Yes. You're right.' My voice comes out steady, a complete opposite to how I am feeling inside. I match her shocked stare evenly. 'But like you said ex.'

I force out a light chuckle. 'We've become great friend actually and-' I touch Caden's arm lightly, 'He INSISTED that I work in his company. Didn't you, Caden?' I stare at him challengingly. 'I couldn't deny, of course. You know how stubborn he is.'

Mrs. Roberts looks at him, her mouth agape. 'Um.. yes, yes, of course.' She amends, nodding her head vigorously, though her obvious disbelief shows.

Caden clenches his jaw, his eyes narrowing a little. 'Yeah.' His facial muscles stretch painstakingly like it is physically hurting him to form a word of agreement. 'We're good friends.'

She opens and closes her mouth like a fish, looking back and forth between us. Her helplessness makes me wanted to burst out laughing despite my obscure situation. But I refrain myself.

Caden and I meet his numerous business associates after that one after another, with my hand in his arm like a proper date. Each socialising makes my uplifted good mood diminished a little.

A lot of them stare at me curiously and start to make their way to us, just to confirm the new rumour of I, being the ex fiancée. I try to keep my head high, nodding at them politely and answering some of their questions but simultaneously their constant questioning wear me down.

I am about to find an excuse to go to the restroom and have a peace of my mind, even for a few minutes when Caden's long time rival, Andrew Turner greets us.

'Hello, Mr. Davis. Nice to see you here.' Andrew extends his hands.

Caden's back stiffens in tension. 'Mr. Turner.' He shakes his hand firmly. 'Pleasure's all mine.'

'Eh ms. Thompson is here too and also with you, I see.' He seems surprised but get over it quickly. He eyes turn sly. 'You aren't going to donate now, are you, Ms. Thompson?'

'I'm here with Caden tonight. He's donating.' I shift my weight from one leg to another uncomfortably and reluctantly accept his outstretched hand.

'Of course. I forgot, you couldn't afford it.' He gives me his typical judgemental laugh and scratches the inside of my palm with his index finger suggestively.

He didn't just do that.

I pull my hand out of his clutch and look at him angrily. What is it with him? His outrageous behaviour has always been borderline harassment and makes me shiver in a bad way.

He arches his brows in mockery, leering at me with his eyes.

'I need to use the restroom. Please excuse me.' I say abruptly, not willing to create any unwanted situation.

'Sure.' Caden looks at me questioningly but agrees anyway.

Andrew laughs. He seems to be only one enjoying the situation. 'Go ahead, Ms. Thompson. Don't let us stop you.'

I can feel his creepy gaze following me all the way to restroom. Getting inside, I turn on the faucet and splash water on my face to calm myself down. He always creeps me out and this is last thing I need at the moment.

After a few minutes, I calm down a little bit. Thankfully, my mascara is waterproofed and not running down my face. It is a bit smudged around the eyes though but there is nothing I can do about it.

I turn the faucet off and dry my face with a paper towel but stop, hearing several voices just outside the door. The words Caden Davis and ex-fiancée catch my attention.

'Did you see that girl with Caden Davis? Apparently, she's his ex-fiancee. Can you believe that? She looks so plain and short too. What did he see in her?' Says a gossipy one.

'What? Are you joking? The cheating one?' Another one exclaims.

'One and only.'

'She cheated on him! Are you sure? But she's... fat. Who'd want to sleep with her?' Someone else doubtfully says.

'A mad one, obviously. You seriously didn't know this? It was a huge scandal a few years back. There were some leaked videos and pictures even.'

I hear laughter.

'God. Such a gold digger. No wonder, she looks so tacky.' Another girl comments.

I should be used to hearing this. Or is it weird that I think I should be. But the truth is, this was all I heard at that time. Whispering of people, pointed fingers, girls' smug looks were what made me leave the country.

After so many years when I thought I could take this, I realise no matter what I want to believe, this is a chapter of life which is always going to haunt me.

I feel like crying. This is worse than five years ago. At least, that time, I did not hear people's nasty comments by my own ears. I did know, they were talking about me but I was stuck home, away from them. I was heart broken more about Caden than to think about anything else.

So this is what feels like being gossiped. Now I know the feeling and it is horrible. I need to leave. I wish, l could leave this toxic place with toxic people permanently. Unfortunately, I can't do that. I sigh a little. For now, leaving this party will have to do. Thankfully I know where the emergency exit is. I'll walk a little bit away from here and get an taxi.

I got this. I pep talk myself. They can't see me crying. I'd get eaten alive otherwise.

I get out of the door, feigning unaffected by their comments, my head holding high, though barely.

I don't bother informing Caden that I'm leaving. He can go hang himself. I don't care.

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