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I don't let people in

I don't say i love you

I don't do relathionships

I don't say i want you

I don't need your help

I don't need pity

All they want for me to open up but people don't understand. All they wsnt is for them to be okay and forget to look at others beside them.

People say everything is great but sometims they put the fake smile thinking everything is gonna be okay but it's not

I'm a person with no feeling i know that, i don't need to be reminded.

I help others becaus i found that amazing and make one difference for me and makes me things that it's better to open up but for me to open up not a chance.

You feel sad, don't show it

You feel happy, have fun with it

You feel angry, punch the wall nezt to you

You cut, don't you can find better stuff to do talk with you friends

You drink, drink all your money

You smoke, smoke how much you can and don't listen to others

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