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Recap: And gasps were heard all around

_________________________________________(2nd April, 2021)

Daniel walked in, his jaw dropped at the decorated room. Keri had tears in her eyes from immediately realising what it meant. Daniel stared, his eyes tearing up while Alexa stood there, her fingers crossed.

The room had blue and pink streamers hanging from the ceiling, with a picture of baby Daniel and a picture of baby Alexa which she found online. It was joined together, the picture in the shape of a heart. At the end of the room, there was a gold spray painted fake creeper vine, the words spelling 'DADA'. There were LED lights wrapped around it, the light colors flashing between blue and pink.

A stuffed stork toy sat on the table below the creeper vine, holding a new born baby in its arms. Daniel walked up to it and took it in his hands, before turning to Alexa. She walked closer to him, before handing him another box which he opened, his hands shaking. He grabbed the pregnancy test from inside, his eyes watering as he looked up at her from the pink lines.

"This isn't a prank right" He asked and Alexa shook her head, tears in her eyes as she placed her hand on her stomach. The tears finally dripped from Daniel's eyes as he hugged her. He spun them around. "I'm gonna be a dad. Oh my god. I'm gonna be a dad" Daniel gasped, falling to his knees.

"Hi baby. I know you can't hear me but I love you so much. Oh my gosh" Daniel said, getting up and pulling Alexa into a kiss. As Daniel let her go, Keri ran over and embraced her. "All of you are growing up so fast. I still remember screaming at 17 year old you and I'm so sorry" Keri spoke and Alexa laughed, hugging her back.

"I fucking told you he wasn't gonna abandon you" Tate said when they sat on the couch. Everyone had congratulated the pair and the gang, the original gang had moved to Corbyn and Christina's house. 

 "I love you guys" Alexa laughed, leaning into Daniel. "You thought I was going to abandon you" Daniel asked, disbelief evident in his voice. "I was scared ok? Your career-" Alexa began and Daniel cut her off. "You really thought singing for a bunch of screaming girls is more important that you and our child" Daniel asked sitting up and Alexa pouted.

"Sorry" She said and Daniel kissed her head. "Its fine love" He said and Christina laughed suddenly. "Baby you ok?" Corbyn asked, concerned. "I'm more than fine. You bitches need to pay up. I told you he would cry" Christina cackled and the girls sighed as they handed over 10 dollars each.

"I'm not even surprised" Daniel sighed and Christina winked. "Theres a lot of duties though" Jack said and Gabbie snorted. "We're the ones giving birth. The least you boys can do is help us when we're hungry or something" Gabbie said and Corbyn shrugged.

"I don't care about the number of problems. The results gonna be worth it" Daniel said, rubbing Alexa's stomach and Jack nodded. "It was" he said, looking at a sleeping Lavender on Gabbie's shoulder.

"It will" Daniel whispered to Alexa, kissing the side of her head afterwards as Alexa smiled and squeezed his hands.

________(17th May, 2021)

Daniel was cooking breakfast, when he heard Alexa scream. Switching off the stove, he ran to their room, to find Alexa staring at the mirror, her eyes wide. "Are you ok. Is the baby ok?" Daniel asked, his voice showing he was scared.

"Why did I get so fat?" Alexa screamed and Daniel sighed. "Baby your eating for two" He said but Alexa shook her head. "I'm not supposed to show now. Its only the 11th week. What the heck!" Alexa screeched and Daniel rubbed his forehead.

"We can go to the doctor later? She told me to visit her-" Daniel began but Alexa looked at him, her eyes beginning to tear up. "Your cheating on me with the doctor?" Alexa asked, her lip trembling and her eyes watering, all signs of her being angry at herself for gaining weight gone. "What? No" Daniel frowned, pulling Alexa into a hug.

"Baby you didn't let me complete. She said if we have any queries we can visit her. When she checked in the ultrasound, she said the baby was fine" Daniel soothed his girlfriend, who was clutching his tshirt. "Y-Your not lying right?" She whimpered and Daniel shook his head. "Of course I'm not" He whispered and Alexa stayed in his arms for a while longer.

An hour later, they were at the hospital, Alexa fiddling with Daniel's fingers. "Mr and Mrs.Seavey your up" The nurse said and Alexa blushed as Daniel chuckled and led her into the office. "Alexa and Daniel! Hello. How are you doing?" The doctor, smiled and Alexa mumbled a "good" as she sat down.

"So what brings you two here?" The doctor smiled and Daniel began speaking. "So Alexa's only 11 weeks along but she's showing" Daniel said and the doctor frowned. "Alexa please lay on the bed for me?" The doctor said and Alexa did as she asked. The doctor applied the gel and used the wand to check Alexa's stomach.

Her eyes widened at something on the screen and she checked again. Daniel looked at Alexa nervously as the doctor pulled away the wand, before using a different one to check. She then smiled, before instructing Alexa to wipe the gel and clean herself up and began printing a picture. She made the couple sit down, before taking in a deep breath.

"Your having twins"



Wait tas scary, even I would have gotten creeped out lmao.

Fun Fact: I tried skateboarding once. It was a boys skateboard, and I wobbled and almost fell on him. AKWARD & EMBARRASSING lmfao. The worst part was, he was my best friend's ex I-😶😳

But I love you guys so much!❤


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