The ask vlog.

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The camera turns on like a TV and the smiling faces of three states appear. Each of the girls had a name tag edited onto the video. 

The one with countless Disney merchandise had a tag that said:
"Bianca Jones-Braginsky🐊
The State of Florida."

One who had a shirt from Universal Studios and a Mickey hat had a tag that said:
"Catherine Jones-Braginsky👙
The State of California."

One who was wearing a colorful tidied shirt and a pair of overalls had a tag that said:
"Nadia Jones-Braginsky🥧
The State of Lousiana"

"Hello everyone! Welcome to the ask blog run by the amazing Catherine" Catherine smiled "Nadia" Nadia smiles and fixes her silky hair. "And, of course, the one and only Bianca!" Bianca says

"So, we are here to like answer all your questions. From the individual states to our mother we will answer if we like deem it appropriate." Catherine says

"Now, let's get started! I will be handling any Twitter questions at the hashtag #TRHIAH(not a real hashtag last time I checked), Catherine will be doing Facebook, and Bianca will monitor any questions asked on the blog." Nadia explains

"Let's see, our first question comes from @Americaisanadoribledork. Why do the other nations treat America like crap in the public meetings? He may seem stupid but he doesn't deserve such harsh treatment." Bianca reads

"Well, many of the other nations are old and jealous of mother because he became strong so young so they take it out on him. He also acts as a sort of lightning rod to help the old world vent. " Nadia says

"Uncle Mattie is like the best maple uncle ever, but he can't help ma' because like many of the nations are like blind. " Catherine says

"Yeah, the nations have more impact on ma then they will ever know," Bianca says darkly.

"A question from woodsnstuff, What does Alfie do when he happens to have time on his hands? Like when everything is calm, no one's asking for help, he doesn't have to do, etc.?" Bianca says

"Well, Ma barely gets any time to even breathe but when he does get free time he plays with the kids. He loves his children to death and loves to spend every minute he can with them which sadly isn't much now." Nadia says

"He also like loves learning about the different cultures in his country. He also will spend time with the minorities to get a perspective of it all. It's one of the reasons Ma' knows so many languages.

"Yeah, too bad he only gets free time when he finishes two mountains of paperwork and any other nation work," Bianca says and the others agree

"A question from @RusAmeistotallyreal on Twitter. Who is America currently dating if at all?" Nadia reads

"Well, you are correct. RusAme is totally real. Ma has been married to pa for many years now, I believe they got married as soon as gay marriage was legalized in the states. They dated for decades before then." Bianca says

"If you really want to know you should like ask the RusAme fan club. They always seem to know when they even think about the other. It's like terrifying. " Catherine said

"Hey, remember that time the main perpetrators dressed ma in that sunflower dress? " Bianca said

"Yeah, pa was all over him. It was also the day we learned Cassidy for some reason knows ma's exact pantie size."

"What else do you think she knows, like seriously?" Catherine asks

Nadia and Bianca shrug, the three looks at their phones, and Bianca is the first to speak.

"A question from OliviaGuardabascio. Is Fran a boy or a girl? Fran can stand for Francis or Francine." Biana reads

"Ah, Fran actually doesn't actually identify with any one gender. They haven't for some time, it just didn't feel right to be a girl but it also didn't feel right to be a male. So, Fran chooses to be gender-neutral." Nadia says and Catherine nods

"I was like one of the first they came out too because obviously they are my city. We are talking about my amazing city San Francisco if you don't remember the name." Catherine says

"Oh, a question from CaralynHood. How did Ohio forget his own name?" Catherine says

"That would be a question from Cassidy," Bianca said

"Cassidy! Get over here!" Nadia yells

A neutral Coloradan walked in with a raised eyebrow, she looked at the camera for a second before looking at the others. "What's the question?"

"How did Ohio forget his own name?" Catherine repeats

"Oh...Um," Cassidy rubbed her neck " Well, I was traumatized by a recycling place there, and the only word I can use to describe it is butter. So, I decided to traumatize him...By hitting him over the head with metal ski equipment... I think I hit him too hard. Maybe, if I hit him again it will come back to him."

"Nah, you have scrambled his brain enough," Nadia says

" You should like, not hit him again without proper reasoning," Catherine says

"Yeah, thank you, Cassidy," Bianca says and Cassidy shrugs before leaving.

"Let's see, a question from @Whowantstomurderwithme. How many languages does America know?" Nadia says

The three girls look confused for a second, Bianca starts counting on her fingers before pausing and restarting. Catherine pulls out her phone and types furiously on it, while Nadia pulls out a fancy calculator and starts typing on it.

After some intense counting from all of the girls, they all say at once "A lot". Nothing more is said.

Catherine spoke "Question from @RusAmeismylifesopleasemakeitareality, that's like a long name. Who makes up the RusAme fan club?" 

"Hmm, well Torrie and Cassidy are basically the ring leaders of the club and always know when anything RusAme is happening. It's like a 6th sense to them or something. Nikolai of course is a prominent member since both of the mentioned are his biological parents. I think Liliana also joined though, that may be because Nikolai is in it. Let's see.." Nadia said

"There's also like another couple handfuls that are lower ranking members but don't like actively participate," Catherine says

"Isn't Uncle Mattie also in that club? "Bianca says and the other girls think about it "Yeah, I think he is."

"The last question for this video comes from @tokillaiggybrow, Why do the states refer to America as their mom but also use he/him pronouns when describing him?" Nadia says

"I think it was a joke started by the original 13 because ma' is such a worrywart all the time and dotes all of the states constantly and he also has this mother bear mode. The younger generations caught onto the 13's jokes and well, now everyone calls him different versions of mom." Bianca says

"Well, that's like part of the reason anyway, there's also the fact he birthed most if not like all of us." Catherine says and the others nod.

"Thank you for watching the video to the end, you can also find us on Youtube under the same name as the blog itself (Don't actually look)" Nadia says

"We'll like be seeing you shortly after the first day is done," Catherine says

"We wish you all the best and we'll be seeing ya'll soon," Bianca says

"Bye!" The three hosts say at once and the screen phases to black.

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