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Private message between Kokichi and Hiyoko

Hiyoko: Kokichi you are never going to believe what Fuyuhiko just asked me to do!

Kokichi: He asked you out?

Hiyoko: I can only wish but no, he didn't. He's asking for something that I'm not sure if I can give to him.

Kokichi: Spill the tea soul sis! What could it be?

Hiyoko: He's asking me to be his fake girlfriend.

Kokichi: What? 

Hiyoko: His parents keep trying to set him up with this random girl and go on a date with her so they can be engaged since they want a "suitable and strong bride" for him. He wants us to fake date so they can get off his back about it. 

Kokichi: Oh no...

Hiyoko: IKR?! Here I am, hoping for my crush to reciprocate my feelings and maybe confess and then he asks me to be his fake lover just because I happen to be available and it's convenient for him? I mean, I shouldn't get my hopes up but...

Kokichi: Well normally I'd say it's up to you to make your own decisions but since your my friend I have to say no don't agree to this arrangement Hiyoko. It will just end up in disaster. 

Hiyoko: Still the fact that he asked me of all people to be his fake girlfriend when I don't even have the best reputation around...I'm not even that close to him but he still asked me anyway.

Kokichi: Hiyoko, don't...seriously just don't agree to this. I don't wanna see you get hurt in the end.

Hiyoko: I asked him why he decided to approach me and he says that somehow I'm actually compatible with him enough that his parents would be fooled and they'd get off his case. He says me and him are compatible! I feel like I'm dreaming!

Kokichi: Arrangements like this never end well. Plus what if there comes a time where his family will want to meet yours? You know that your family will heavily disapprove of you being with someone like Fuyuhiko, given his talent and background.

Hiyoko:....You had to bring that up....

Kokichi: I wouldn't be saying this if I didn' know...

Hiyoko: If you didn't care?


Hiyoko: I appreciate it Kokichi but...we don't get to choose whom we fall for.

Kokichi: I want to support you Hiyoko but there's just so many risks with the favor Fuyuhiko is asking from you.

Hiyoko: I know's kinda funny how you and I have a reputation of apparently being "empty headed bullies who don't care about anyone but themselves" yet here we are, being all mushy with each other because of our closeness as friends.

Kokichi: Well we haven't done much to make them think otherwise have we? 

Hiyoko: Yes but why does it always have to be us that needs to adjust? Why can't someone else reach out for once instead of us having to approach them?

Kokichi: Because as members of society, we are expected to be "normal" in their own terms.

Hiyoko: How can they expect us to be "normal" when too many people have forced so much negativity on us that they don't seem to care how it can affect the way we see things and behave?

Kokichi: Well...there's more than one answer to that question but in a nutshell, what we experience through our lives from the moment we were born to the day we die, you either make it or you break it, hell maybe even both.

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