Survival Of The Fittest

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"Sergeant! Theres only 15 soilders known alive, 3 of which has gone searching for more. But theres one more thing... Your the highest in command...alive." Annouced Rookie.

"Sargeant! Rookie! Get inside!! Covenant forces heading this way!"

Sargeant and Rookie headed for the crashed ship, only to hear shooting after shutting one of the few working doors.

"Tha's a close one!" Said Rookie "I have been ordered to stand by your side Sir, protecting you at all costs sir!" He stood straight solluting.

"At ease Rookie, feels wierd you calling me sir" Replied the now in command Sergeant.

"We managed to get the emergency generators online" replied Rookie.

Rookie and the Sergeant moved into the armoury to equipe some weapons, when soilders burst through the door with injured men. One soilder approached the sarge and rookie.

"Rookie, I need you to get the sergeant to the vehicle bay into a warthog and drive as far away from this ship!"

"Yes Sir!"

The rookie and Sergeant got to the vehicle bay with 6 other soilders. Rookie drove Sergeant, while the other 6 jumped into 2 warthogs.

They escaped.

But did they make it out in time?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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