Chapter 3: A long day

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(y/n) P.O.V

As you stood there stunned about the amount of balls looking at you, you didn't notice all the balls the accompanied you had left your side and had walked over to the rest. You where brought back to your senses by the sound of pods falling and hitting the floor with loud clanks and cashes.

You ran into the kitchen to find about 5 balls huddled around a pot that was upside down on the floor trying to turn it upright again as cries of help came from inside the pot. At just the sight you knew what had happened, the pot had fallen and trapped one or more balls underneath.

You ran up to the struggling balls, without second thoughts you picked up the pot revealing, indeed, a small ball under it. You put the pot back on the counter and crouched down to the small ball that had been trapped under the pot. "You alright? nothing other than being trapped happened did it?" you asked the small ball still shaking "Y-yes... Th-thank you," he said looking up at you tears in the corner of his eyes.

(2 minutes later)

After the ball was calmed down by some of his friends and some food, every one was now calm. The balls that got trapped introduced himself as Thailand, you then offer you hand to the 6 balls to climb onto to which they gladly excepted, so they could go to the living room to tell everyone everything was fine know.

As you enter the living room meny different balls came scrambling over to you making sure everyone was fine, you bend down to let the 6 balls off my shoulders and Thailand got bombarded with questions. A lot of "Are you ok?" and "How did it happen," could be herd throughout the room until a loud "ATTENTION," was heard from atop of the couch.

Once all the balls attention was on what seemed to be the... UN? he started his speech. "Ok, as everyone seems to have calmed down from what just happened and Thailand seems to be ok know we need to talk about what we are going to do know," he said in his loud voice looking down at Thailand then to me. "As you can tell we know have a human here, if you are still confused on why she is here," he informed taking his eyes off me and looked at the crowd in the room.

"It is because she can hear us as, I think some of you might have already figured out," the room filled with gasps just like in the clearing, but this time it didn't surprise me this time. As UN waited for the commotion to die, I decided to grab a chair so you could sit down, It made a sound as I scraped it along the floor causing all the balls to go quite for or who knows how meny times today making me feel quite embarrassed.

"S-sorry...," was all I could say as they looked at you then back to UN.

3 P.O.V
As UN continued to explain to all the balls or what (y/n) thought was all of them until (y/n) saw Nekomi, Australia, Uk and a few more make their way down the stairs and up to UN, telling him something before joining the crowd.

After UN finished informing the Countryballs, which took a lot longer then (y/n) though it would. He then turned to (y/n) spreading his wings and making countries his way towards her before landing on her shoulder.

"When you where in the kitchen helping Thailand I asked Uk, Australia and Nekomi to ask a few countries to help them get a room ready for you seeming as when you entered you looked sleepy," he said before hopping off her shoulder and beckoning (y/n) to follow.

(y/n) followed him up the stairs and down a small hall, meny pictures hung from the walls but you too no notice to them. You eventually made it to a door, UN opened it and went in with you following into the small room, this room had a double bed, simple set of draws, small wardrobe and a bedside table, they all seemed old and worn compared to the house but compared to the room it looked normal.

"I'm sorry this isn't much, but as I'm sure you can tell you a     the first human who has been here so we don't have much," (y/n) nodded in understanding being to sleepy talk. UN left the room as (y/n) walked over to the bed, collapsing to the soft sheets.

As (y/n) pulled the covers over herself, she heard the door open and close once again. (y/n) rolled over to see who or what entered the room to see Nekomi making her way to the bed " hey (y/n) san can I sleep with you?" she asked looking up at (y/n) with 'kitten eyes' hoping (y/n) would agree. "sure, I don't see why not," (y/n) says extending her arm for Nekomi to jump onto.

"Yay!" she cries as she jumps onto (y/n)'s arm and onto the bed to snuggle into the pillow. "Good night Nekomi," (y/n) whispers sleepily "おやすみ (oyasumi, goodnight in japanese ) (y/n) san," Nekomi whispered back as they both fell into a deep sleep.

(couple hours late)

As (y/n) and Nekomi slept in the soft bed, (y/n) would move from time to time but Nekomi on the other hand wouldn't stop moving. As Nekomi moved in her sleep she started to roll down and bumped into (y/n)'s neck, but instead of just staying there like what would normally happen or waking up and moving, she was absorbed by (y/n) causing (y/n) to gain the features of Nekomi such as her flag and ears and her tails.This un normal transformation didn't disturb Nekomi or (y/n) leaving them to sleep comfortably on the bed.

(In the morning)

(y/n) P.O.V

I slowly wake from my nice rest, looking around realising Nekomi wasn't with me I figured she must have already woken up and left already. As I stretch and rub my eyes I make my way to the door, and down the hall to the living room.

As I reach the living room I look over at the couch to see Uk and multiple other countries sitting and chatting or doing other things but surprisingly no Nekomi making me confused.

"Hey have any of you seen Nekomi?" immediately realising something was wrong, I had a...

Japanese accent?   

words: 1119

as you can see I added some japanese UvU I do know some japanese thanks to learning it at school

hope you like this chapter ˚ˆ˚

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