Chapter 10: Newcommer

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Third P.O.V

As (y/n) and Romania watched the ball closely as Canada slowly and quietly makes his way over to a glass bowl that was sitting on the kitchen bench before he quickly made his way over to the ball before quickly placing the bowl over the top of the ball alerting it. Once it the ball realised what happened it started banging itself agents the side of the bowl in an attempt to get itself out of its new found prison, but Canada was just to strong and the bowl wouldn't budge. After a short amount of time the ball collapsed from the constant banging, Canada slowly lifted the bowl to check and found out the ball had fallen asleep.

Canada lifted the bowl all the way as (y/n) and Romania came to check out the new ball that was asleep in-front of them. As (y/n) examined the ball she came to the conclusion that the ball was a young girl, how does she know? well she doesn't know either she can just tell.

(Time skip)

It was now morning and everyone was away other than the new ball who was still out cold sitting on a pillow in the living room, (y/n) and Canada where in the kitchen having breakfast wile the other countryballs were sitting in the living room watching the new ball as the also ate some food.

(y/n) P.O.V

I was eating some cereal as Canada cooked himself some eggs on toast, we were there sitting in silence before there was a loud commotion coming from the living room before I heard something "(Y/N) CAN YOU COME HERE!" I didn't think twice before getting up from my chair and quickly making my way into the living room.

The first thing I saw when I entered the room was just utter madness blankets and pillows were scattered everywhere with all the countryballs sitting on top of the couch seemingly staring down under the coffee table. I look down under the coffee table and see the mystery country shaking and trying her best to hide but was doing a poor job of it.

I slowly made my way behind the frightened ball and crouched down before quickly grabbing her to her horror. She started squirming and for a moment I though I would drop her but I tightened my grip making them whimper before with a shaky voice spoke "P-ple-ease d-don't h-hurt me..." she squeaked. My gaze softened at the small ball, she must be terrified waking up in an unknown place after being trapped under a bowl.

"Don't worry I wont hurt you and neither will any of them will either," I said turning her so she was now facing everyone who were slowly making their was over.

(Time skip)

Third P.O.V

After everyone calmed down and we got the living room cleaned up we sat down and had a talk, I turned out the new countryball's name was Artsy (hello it is I OuO) and she was only a newly discovered country so thats why we didn't recognise her. Artsy was a group of small Islands located in Oceania and didn't have a population of her own until a couple days ago hence why she was 1, so small and 2, so fearful of everyone and everything.

By the time everyone was introduced to Artsy, Canada had to go out because he was seeing his parents and siblings so he helped (Y/N) up the stairs before he left to meet his family.

Canada's P.O.V

(Time skip)

I pulled into the driveway of my parents house and suddenly got the feeling of being watched, similar to the feeling I had back in the cabin in the woods, I know now that in the cabin I was being watch and I feel the same way making me feel uneasy but I let it slide keeping my guard up as I swiftly walked up to the door and knocked.

I take a quick glance back at the cars in the drive way before the door opened behind me revealing France "oh Canada you here please come in your father is in the living room I'll be joining you shortly," she explained as she stepped aside before quickly making her way over into the direction of the kitchen and I quickly made my way in the opposite direction forgetting about the feeling I had felt not to long ago.

(Another Time skip)

It was now dark outside and I was preparing to leave "Mum, Dad I think it should be time I head off," I explain as I stood up from the couch I was sitting on "Ok goodnight son," dad said placing his cup on the coffee table as Mum nodded. I walked out the door and get my keys out of my pocket and that feeling of being watch again, I look around me before quickly make my way over to my care.

I get in the drivers seat but before I was going to put the keys in and drive off I had the sudden instinct to check the boot of my car, so I got out and made my way over to the back of my car before putting the key in and opening the boot and looked in to see...

words: 898
sorry this is shorter than normal chapters i didnt know what to write 😅
but at least I have school holidays know :D
hope you liked it ˚ˆ˚

(Artsy is my new persona for countryhumans so i desided to add her she is the girl in the drawing above, she also dosnt sound like a real country because all my personas have similar names)

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