Chapter 2

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It felt like an eternity.

The guard angel didn't notice them and slowly walked further and further away from us.

After the angel in front of her made sure the guard angel was no where to be seen he looked at her.

She tried to push him away but he just looked at her eyes carefully for a moment.She stopped and raised her eyebrows at him.

That's when he snapped back to reality and smirked.Right in front of her face.Sora was really confused and that smirk was beautiful.

She tried to push him again and tried to tell him to leave her now.He chuckled seeing that and moved his gaze away slowly and then slowly moved his hand from her mouth and backed away.

Sora quickly wiped her mouth and looked at him while frowning.

"What were you doing?"Sora asked looking at him.

"What did it look like?"He asked while turning his face to her.That made her blush for some reason.She quickly shook her head in attempt to hide the blush.

The Angel ahead was amused by her behavior.He put his hands in his pockets and looked at her more carefully.

Sora looked up,"How dare you cover my mouth like that?"

He smirked.He looked super amused by her.He slowly walked over to her.

She took a few steps back,confused and a bit scared of him.She kept backing away and he kept moving forward.

"Wha..What doing?"Sora felt stupid for shuttering.

At one point her back got slammed against the tree.She had no where else to go.

He smirked again and stood right in front of her.

"Wh..What?"She asked again while shuttering.

He then leaned in and put his face right in front of hers.His face was dangerously close to her.

She could actually feel his breath on her face.She was so shocked by all of this,she didn't know what to do.

She was in a beautiful garden with a really handsome angel right in front of her face.What would people do in this situation?

She couldn't think straight so she just squeezed her eyes shut.

The angel in front of her smirked again seeing her like this.He didn't move an inch from there and said,

"You should be grateful that I saved you.But you are over here throwing a tantrum."

His voice was so deep,husky and unique.

Sora slowly opened her eyes when he said that.He was right in front of her and was staring right into her eyes now.

"Save me?How did you save me?"Sora asked and frowned,"And who even are you?"

That made the angel move away from her and stand straight a few steps back.

He looked confused,"You don't know me?"

Sora also stood up straight in front of the tree,"Do I have to know you?Are you any celebrity?"

Sora quickly tried to remember the celebrities she knew on earth.He is so good looking,he actually might be one.Sora quickly started thinking.

Is he any handsome celebrity or idol or something like that?

She couldn't think of any that looked like him.That means he is not a celebrity.Then why should she know him?

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