Chapter 1 "Allies"

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      Hunter opened a side flap of his hut and stared down at a xeno hound that slept peacefully. He woke it up by nudging it softly. "Wake up 8...I have something to track for you." He stated showing the new skull to the xenomorph hound. "We need more for this fight." He said equipping the hound with its leash. "Kev'var-de, where are you going?" A large muscular yautja asked standing in the youngers doorway.
     "N'yaka-de!" He stood up with respect. One thing the others never did was respect eachother in his clan. "I was using this hound to find others so I may go on the hint for the bad blood." He said holding the leash. The one known as N'yaka-de to hunter sighed. "You can have mine." He said handing him three other leashes.
      Hunter bowed. "I'm in your debt N'yaka-de!" He said looking at the floor. "Just go kill that bad blood." He growled moving out the way for the young hunter and the hounds.

      "Whe-THERE!" He said flying to the smoking ship. He noticed another ship, judging from the size and upgrade flew that ship. He growled at the sight of that ship, he never agreed with the upgrades. He only believed in being what you were born as, not what the clan wants you to be.
      When he looked back at the planet he saw the most mesmerizing hunting grounds ever. "Woah..." at the sight of Earth, he was filled with visions of slaying the indigenous species named humans. "My dream is below..." he said to 8 before petting him. He pushed the controls forward sending the ship hurtling behind the bad bloods ship. Once the upgrade took the lead from him he cloaked and went to follow them and land nearby from the crash site.
      This was the beginning of his dream. To hunt the greatest games.

(Well? Please comment what you thought, and please don't be afraid to post an oc you'd like inserted. Of course with your permission that is)

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