Chapter 3: the ceramony

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Everyone was seated at the white house's ceremony hall. Jill looked out to the audience through the curtain that hid the heroes and speakers. She started feeling faint. "There is a lot of people out there. I can't do this. I'm sorry. I can't." She said, trying to flee.

Chris caught her before she could leave. "Jill, you can do this. I'll be right here. We're walking together out there and we are getting our awards together. Okay?"

Jill's head sank. "Okay. Don't let me fall." She said looking at Chris. Chris nodded his head.

The heroes and speakers lined up ready for the president to call their names. Barry Burton and his wife walked over to Jill and Chris. "It's so good to see you're alive and well, Jill." Barry stated. He smiled. Jill smiled back.

"60 seconds." The backstage director said. "Get into your places."

"Well, we better go." Barry said then walked away.

On stage, an announcer introduced the event. He left out the fact Jill was back. After the audience settled down, the president walked out on the stage and took the announcer's spot.

"Thank you. Now, as you know, the Bioterrorism Security Assesment Alliance around the world has been trying to eradicate Bioterrorism in Africa. Recently we sent our best angent to finish off the job. Buring the mission, Albert Wesker was found and eliminated, making the safe ince again. Our four heros will walk down onto the stage in a moment. First, can I have Leon Scott Kennedy and Claire Redfeild came down to the stage?"

Leon and Claire walked to the president and took their place.

"Evening, everyone." Leon said. "North America's branch of the BSAA sent their number one agent into Africa to help finish the mission. He, in fact did with the help of the  West Africa Branch." Claire said. Leon took the mike.

"Here to announce our commrads from Africa, Barry Burton and Mrs. Burton."

Barry and his wife walked out onto stage and took Leon abd Claire's spot.

"Thank you, Leon." Barry said. "My wife and I are pleased to introduce Delta Captian Joshua Stone and Special agent Sheva Alomar."

Josh and Sheva waled out and stood next to Mrs. Burton. Leon and Claire walked up to Sheva and Josh and handed them a plaque, shook their hands and had them sit down with Barry and his wife.

Leon and Claire took their spot in front of the microphone again. "We appreciate  your bravery in completing the mission." He said.

"You all know about our fallen commrade, Jillian Valentine. Her body was never found. Well, we have a surprise for you." Claire said with excitement.

"Yes. Accompanied by our home hero, Christopher Redfeild, we are glad to present to you, Jillian Valentine!" Leon exclaimed.

The audience roared with excitement when Jill and Chris walked out onto the stage. Jill held tight to Chris' arm so she didn't fall iver. Chris held tight, too.

"Jill, I forgot to mention, but, they want you to speak tonight." Chris said to Jill. She squeezed his arm hard enough to make him say ow.

When the two reached Claire and Leon, they both recieved their awards of bravery.

"Thank you Leon, and Claire for the award." Chris began. "I probably wouldn't be here today if I didn't make so many of my Redfield promises." The audience laughed. "I also wouldn't have been here if I never saw Jill in Africa." Chris said as he met Jill's gaze. They looked at eachothwe for a couple of seconds beofre Jill looed at the audience.

"I, too, wouldnt be here if Chris didn't find me, or if Wesker never saved my life. I'd either be dead or still working for Wesker. I am very gratful that he still believed I was alive after the ong years of thinking I was dead." Jill said.

The president walked over to the microphone agian. "Jill, the audience has a few questions for you. Do you think you can manage?" He asked. Jill nodded her head. "Splendid! We will have 5 questions." The president scanned the audience for the right hand. "You sir, with the red tie."

The man that was called on tood up and recieved a microphone from ove of the crew members.

"Miss Valentine,"He began. "How did you survive the fall off the cliff?"

"I still had anti-bodies from the nemesis virus whe I was attaced by Nemesis himself in Raccoon city back in September of 1998. Wesker used the remains of that to save my life and to perfect the Uroboros virus.." Jill said, trailing off at the last part.

The man sat down and the president picked the next person. This time a female with a light green dress.

"Did you believe that one day Christopher Redfield would come to your rescue?"

Jill blushed a little, "Um..At first, I didn't know what to believe. I was under Wesker's control, doing all his dirty work. But then, I heard that the North American Branch of the BSAA was sending in one of their  best agents, I started having hope. And when I came face to face with Chris for the first time, saving Irving's ass, I knew I was going home soon."

Chris squeezed Jill's hand with affection and Jill squeezed back.

More questions were asked and answered. After the ceremony, a party was being held for the heros on the banquet hall.  Some of the people who attended the ceremony went home most of the people satyed. Jill desparatt;ey wanted to go home or at least get away from all these people. She still acted on impulse and fear. Chris stayed by her side the entire time.

"Calm down, JIll. I can feel your pulse through your hand."Chris said, trying to calm Jill. She realized her heart was beating rapidly and took a deep breath. "That's better. Hey, stay here while I go get something to drink for me and you. Okay?"

Jill nodded her head. "I just want water" she said. Chris nodded his head and walked away. 'Comeon Jillian..pull yourself together! There is no more Wesker, no more bioterrorism..well..that I paricipate in spreading. Just a bunch of nice people and old friends here to welcome me back. Barry, Rebecca, Carlos, Billy, Claire and Chris..Oh, Chris.. I missed you so much..' Jill thought. She didn't notice an already drunk man was walking towards her.

"Hey baby! How you doin'?" The drunk said, putting his arm arounf Jill's shoulder. "What do you say me and you go back to my place and I'll show you a good time."

Jill gagged at the thought of going to that drunken idiot's house. "I'm sorry sir," She swallowed, keeping calm, "but, I think you have the wrong person." Jill's voice was trembling slightly.

"Naw..I've got the right-" belch "-person." The man said. He started reaching for one of Jill's breasts..

Chris and Claire ran into each other at the drink table.

"How's Jill doing?" Claire asked.

"She's doing fine. I'm just getting her some water, and myself some whisky!"Chris  said, winking at Claire. She rolled her eyes at him. "DOn't worry. I've gotta drive tonight. I'm only having one drink." He reasured her.

"Right..and then it will be 2 drinks and then 3 and then 4 and so on until you are completley drunkk and I or Jill will have to drive you home. I know you, Chris. You con't fool me. " Claire said.

Chris was going to say something smart back but was interupted when he heard a scream too familiar to ignore it.

"GET YOUR DRUNKED PAWS OFF OF ME!"Jill screamed as she took the drunk man to the ground, bending his arms backwards and stepping on his back, threatening  to break his arms.

"Whoa lady! Calm down!" The man said.

Chris and Claire rushed over to Jil. Chris grabbed Jill and took her away from the scene. Claire picked up the drunk and handed him over to the security guards that rushed over to control the commotion. They dragged the man away, sending him home in a taxi.

Claire walked over to Chris and Jill. "Well, that's one way to maje the night exciting." She said, trying to lighten the mood.

Jill was in Chris' arms, calming down as much as possible. "Can we go home now? PLease?" She said. Claire nodded her head. "Thank you."

Leon had waked over to the 3 and Claire told him to have Chris' car pulled around to the front and that they were going home. He looked at Jill's frightened face and didn't question Claire. Leon ended up going home with them to make sure everything was okay and took a taxi back to the white house.

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