Chapter 1: Afterlife

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The sun set as a helicopter flew away from Africa one fateful night. Four soldiers, one flying the helicopter, watched the volcano they were flying away from as it grew smaller and smaller. Of the four soldiers, 2 were female. One was american and blonde wearing an indigo battlesuit. The other  was native african with short dark brown hair and a purple halter top with khaki pants and brown knee-high. They sat next to each other while sitting across from them was the american who would be named the hero: Chris Redfield, the man who destroyed the world's greatest threat.

"It's finally over." The blonde female said. Her name was Jill Valentine. She was Chris' paartner before the events that took place in Africa. They were on a mission to track down Ozwell E. Spencer who was killed by their mortal enemy, Albert Wesker. A fight broke between them ending with Jill sacrifcing herself to save Chris' life by shoving Wesker and herself out the window of the tower, plumeting down to the rocky shore of the cliff. Jill was presumed dead after that night. What had happened was that Wesker revived her and used her as a weapon by controlling her and making her fight Chris. Chris and his new partner, Sheva Alomar, saved Jill and defeated Wesker.

The other female was Sheva. She smiled at Jill then at the driver, Delta team captain Stone, or Josh to her. They've been friends for a long time and consider each other family. She joined Chris as the beginning of the mission as his partner through Africa. They became friends during their time fighting hostile villagers.

Josh showed up in time to save Chris and Sheva's hide a couple of times during their mission. He then met up with Jill and escaped the Tricell facility they were in. He flew the helicopter into the horizon as everyone finally was able to calm down and relax.

Chris  finally was able to smile a real smile. One that was not forced to keep everyone moving. His enemy was defeated. He hot his partner and best friend back. The world was no longer threatened by Wesker and his diobolical plans to take over the world. "I can't believe we did it." the said in response to Jill's comment. He saw her nod her head.


3 hours passed since the team escaped from the volcano within those 3 hours, lava erupted from the wolcano, sending Wesker out of it in perfect condition. He no longer had fire burns and all his wounds were healed. His eyes turned back to it's normal human color. The virus inside him died and was no longer present in his body. After a while of laying at the foot of the volcano, he finally sat up and looked at the sun set as it sank into the ocean. "Where am I?" He growled to himself. He looked down as saw his clothes  were mostly burned away. "Well, this is in convient."

Wesker sat on the little african beach waiting for some thing to happen when a ship came into view. "Oh good. Maby they can help me."

A few short minutes went by and members of the European branch of the BSAA- Bioterrorism Security Assmsement Alliance- came ashore. There duty was to remove anything that registered on their BOW scal. They didn't really pay attention to the almost naked man sitting on the beach a few feet away from him. One officer glanced at him then looked away. Wesker was getting irratated. "How long do I have to sit here, almost naked until someone realizes I might need help?"

the officer closest to Wesker looked at him once he spoke. "I'm so sorry! A-are you hurt sir?" The officer said as she ran to his side. "Oh my, what happened to your clothes? They look like they've been burned compleatly off!" She panicked.

"No need to worry. I'm perfetly fine except I have a minor migrane. Also, I don't know who I am or where I am."

"Ok. Let me get the finger print machine and see if we can give an identity." The officer said. Wesker nodded then waited for the female to retearn. When she came back, she had a hand-held device with a small part sticking out for fingerprints. "All right. Place your right thumb here." The officer said to Wesker. He did as she said and placed his thumb on the device. " All right. Now we wait a minute for it to search."

While the two waited, Wesker looked at the mid 20's he estimated. She had mocha colored hair that barely brushed her sholders. She had a slight italian accent that came out once in a while when she panicked. "What's your name, my dear?" He asked the female in a slightly sudctive tone.

the girl blushed. "Um.. Ilayna sir." She saod. The machine beeped and had the man's identity. She looked at the info and saw that it was Albert Wesker. "That can't be right.." She thought. "Wait right here." Then walked over to the captain. "Captain Sebastian, take a look at this. Can that even be possible?" She asked.

The captain looked at the device. "You sure this isn't broken?"

"I'm sure. I checked on myself before I used it on him. But how can that be Wesker if our mission was suppose to make sure that all the bioterrism he released was gone?"

Captain Sebastian thought a moment. "Didn't you say he couldn't remember who he was?" He finally said. Ilayna nodded her head. "Let me try it. If I get the same results, we have to take him in for questioning."

The two walked over to Wesker. "Sir, this machine is saying that you are someone who was suppose to have died 3 hours ago. If that's true, we'll need to take you in for questioning. Would you like to try this again?"

Wesker thought a moment. "What would I be questioned for? I have no memory of what happened to me before I awoke here on this beach. I don't even know my name."

"This machine says your name is Albert Wesker. Does that name ring a bell?"

"I'm afraid it doesn't. However, if that is what I am called, I shall go by that name." Wesker said. He looked up at captain Sebastian. He was lean and looked to be in his mid 50's.He had short, sctaggly, graying hair. His skin was rough looking and wrinkled. He had a scar on his right cheek bone.

"Let's try this again and if you pop up as Wesker again, we need to take you in. All right?" Wesker nodded his head. Sebastian tested himself first. When it showed his face on the screen, he asked Wesker to put his left thumb on the machine insted of his right. He did so and the machine beeped. "Ilauna, would you please go and get him a pair of pants from the boat. They're under the seat in the front."

"Yes sir." Ilayna said. She ran off to the boat the crew came in.

"Tell me, what was it that I did that would put me in the position of death?" Wesker saked.

"You tried taking over the world and saturating it with the uroboros virus by releasing itinto the atmosphere. You were also part of umbrella. It was an old pharmacutical company that secretly did expirements with bio-organic weapons. You were a world threat. A man named Chris Redfield made it his life goal to take you down, no matter what the cost was." The machine beeped. Wesker's face popped up again. Sebastian looked at the picture and back at the man. The two had the same facial features, but the eyes were different. "The only difference I see here is eye color. Look. Here you haave red, cat-like eyes but, clearly you have blue, human eyes. Something must've happened to you from time of death to the time you woke up."

Wesker looked at the screen. "Oh my, no wonder every one feared me. I look revulting. Do I still look like that?"

"Your eyes, no. Everything else, yes."

Ilayna returned with a pair of pants and a blanket. "Here sir. I hope I got the right size." She handed Wesker the pants then held up the blanket to allow Wesker to dress. "Let me know when you're done."

Wesker stood up and brushed himself off. He slipped the pants up his legs and buttoned them at the top. A perfect fit. "Thank you for the jeans. They fit perfectly."

Ilayna removed the blanket. "You may keep them of you like. We have plenty."

"Thank you, again. It's a shame I turned out to be a bad guy. What a way to start out life." Wesker chuckled.

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