What time of the year they are born, based on horoscopes

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So I picked each of them a horoscope they could be, based on personality traits described about different signs. I know many people consider astrology just a big humbug, even I don't really believe in it. Except my own sign's personality describes me completely and I've talked with many people who say it's the same with them. I thought this would be a fun way to think about their personalities and through that figure out what time of the year they are born.

Let's start, with the ninja and a sign that was the easiest for me to pick.

Kai: a LEO.
-Leo's are characterized as fiery, dramatic, vibrant, strong-willed, outspoken, ambitious, and energetic.

-It's said that Leo's are generous,
have a temper (aha *nods eagerly*)

-Have a big ego (say no more)

-Like to be the center of attention (Season 6, ep1 Kai "I know. I haven't even been asked to give a single autograph. Not that I want the attention!")

-Born leaders although they are quite bossy as ones.
-They are also determined, always defending what is right and help those in need.

-For Leo, it's hard to accept criticism about themselves(I don't remember an example but definitely how he is),

-Care about their looks (The hair!!)
-Like to socialize a lot.

I think all of these portray our Kai so well.
So he is a summer baby between: 23.7-22.8.

Cole: This was easy to pick as well, glad I found an earth sign that fits his personality, to me he is a TAURUS.

-Deliberate (I think this side showed when he was the leader of the group but in other times as well; he's always the one telling others not to make rushed decisions)
-Patient, dependable,
solid, (like a rock, pun intended definitely)
gentle, tenacious, rational,
extremely productive in those areas that finds himself passionate about,
-Is more a person who does things with his hand than a thinker.

-Tauruses enjoy good, heavy and sweet food(CAKE!!) but they also can be extremist when it comes to health; they can be very strict on their diet, exercise (It's quite canon that he is very strict with his work out and takes his health seriously although he has one guilty pleasure.)

So he is born in spring between: 20.4-20.5.

Pixal: I think we haven't yet seen so much of her personality so this was a little harder to pick. In seasons 3-7 she was mostly just a helpful droid/Samurai X not expressing too much human-like emotions, but now being back on her physical body and I think learning about human life from the others, she has become more open with her feelings.

One sign stood out from others to me immediately. And bear in mind, I know that we can not know how much Curys Borg programmed her having real humans emotional life. Based on what I've seen on the show; her droid and human-like sides combined together, she just seems to me like she is a: VIRGO

Virgos are said to be discernment, extreme inexactness, intelligent, good in comprehension, professional, productive, practical and clean. I see her being all of these things. I'm sure she always keeps everything organized and clean.

I also think she would be a person who notices immediately if something's wrong whether it be something not functioning properly, some plan of theirs not working, or even cathing others' feelings.
What is said about Virgos too, is that they are good at analyzing others. I think she also takes very good care of her physical well being.

-Modest and a bit shy with new people. Doesn't make a big deal about herself but rather stays at the back, helping.
-Analyzes herself, her deeds and thoughts sometimes even too much. And when she makes herself too worked up, Zane or Nya is there to help her.

So she might not be made around Virgo's month 23.8-22.9, but her personality surely is like one.

Nya: What zodiac describes her perfectly is an AQUARIUS. It would have been cool if it would be a water sign as well, but I learned it's actually an air sign.

What they say about Aquarius;
-Into explore and invent new things.

-They are described to be friendly, rational, honest, loyal, independent, and intelligent.
-Unpredictable, stubborn.
Wants to follow the voice of conscience.

-Wants a partner that understands their need for independence and can deal with her mood swings. Some ways have a fear of commitment, sharing romantic feelings and intimacy.
(Krhmm Jaya in seasons 1-5)

So she is a winter girl: 20.01-18.02.

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