Dorm 23

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Yuxin POV

I was wondering who they are. I hope they would not mind me for who i am.  Althought she may look tough she very afraid if people say something about how she look and her skin.

She still cant move on how she was treated badly in one of the competition and some other competition.

I was looking for them bacause i know Xiai i have meet her in some competition  when she was 17 year old.  And she has a very dominated aura. 

Maybe they already gone without me?

Suddenly i hear my name being Shout out loud.

"liu yu xin!" "Yuyan!"
Both Anqi and Xiai shouting calling for me and the girl Yuyan.

I then saw a girl calmly  walking towards them. I also follow behind her. 

Xi ai pov

After shouting  the name my dormates.

I see one girl which i guessed  was Yuyan since obviously  ther short hair behind her is Liu yu xin.
I recognize her in some competition  before but never hold a conversation or competed with her. She is a really quite girl. But im looking foward being in the same dorm as her.

Lifting our our own suitcase.
We walk together to our dorm.

I looked back because she see that Liu yu xin is walking far behind us. " Liu Yu Xin!  Quick you ,me, anqi and yuyan are roomates now. "
Liu yu xin then said back "Ohhh, Coming "  so timidly.

Yuyan is the one who open the door.  After we came in we saw four high bed which required you to use ladder to go up. And under the bed is a table with mirror and a chair. 
The closest is inside the bathroom  because there no camera there but the will be camera in the place we sleep. 

Liu yu xin pov
I observed  the dorm that i will be staying for 6 months.  Its small but will do. We then began to unpack our belongings . I like bring many of my collection of ( assecery/jewelry) . I like it and of course 3 bottle of hair spray.

My green nightwear in my closet.  And my other simple and colourful clothes. All of my instant food in my drawer. 😂😂 im trying hard to gain weight because  i will look cuter.

Quickly finish unpack i look around to see Anqi and Xiai. They are very friendly and of course loud.  Yuyan was still wearing the emotionless  face. I can see that Yuyan is a well discipline person.

No one pov

Anqi and Xiai began to start a conversation  with Yuyan and Yuxin.
But they never really intorduce themselves  they become familiar  just like that.  Xiai was very funny even Liu Yu Xin cannot hold him self to enjoy this moment.  Yuyan even release her crackhead self in a matter of second.

"Yuyan, Yuyan just now was like this"
Xiai copy Yuyan poker face just now.
"Hahahahh,yeah and now she was like this...!!! "Anqi copy Yuyan dancing in the dorm just now.

The dorm was really lively meanwhile in other dorm.....

Esther Yu, Snow Kong,  ziao xiaotang and Gia(the rapper) 
Was in their own world.  With Esther there will be no peaceful time. 😂

Esther "Oh my god!!!  This is really not the condition of dorm i imagine "😱😱 (*she is rich bro)
Her dormates only laugh at her statement.

Skip part

The second day

The revolution start. They will be given grade base on their overall ability. 

Some of the trainer already arrived early in the morning. 

Esther arrived  at that time she already promise Snow Kong and ziao xiaotang to sit together.

Esther"Where should I sit??? " she asked out loud. "Let me see who is uglier than me and i will sit next to her" she then walk to ziao xiaotang then stop " ohhhh its you" then laughing again accompany by ziao xiaotang infamous laughing.

Liu Yu Xin then came she timidly walk to find a sit.  She saw a sit near the side  and near the stairs  beside a jeans top girl .  She asked if she can sit there they girl say( it shaking guys)  yes.  And a empty  sit beside liu yu xin quickly fill by Ma shujun a independent trainer.


All the mentor then arrived then the revolution began.

Many  performances was really amazing  like the starmaster and SHN48 .
Big companies and rich companies  like that would have a lot chance to debut.  They have more exposure than other people.
Liu Yu Xin company  is not rich and they only have like 3 artist
( this is not base on real life)
Of course Yuxin have to spend of her own money for extra expenses  like eating. She dont even have her own manager because her company  thought that she is not that popular.
So she came here hoping for a chance or she would have to stop making music soon.

When Xiai perform on her own
Pd Kun look around to look at all of the trainer and asked
" who would like to compete with her? "
Ma shujun heard this quickly shout out "Liu Yu Xin"
Yuxin quickly stop her and  not responding. 
Pd Kun actually  really sad that  Yu xin is not confident  enough . "Maybe what we do really a big impact on her. "

Then Anqi and kiki came out to show their talent in dancing.

Anqi is really powerful and flexible  in the same time sexy.  Her style  really eyes catching and many of the trainer afraid to compete.
While kiki  dance was really clean and powerful she dance perfectly  in the beat. You can feel her years pf performance experience on stage.

Snow Kong also go out to show her dancing skill.  She was a jyp trainer before of course her hip and  waist power is really good. 
Lisa laoshi even say  "You dance like a pro"

Xiai,  Anqi, kiki and snow kong
Gets an A

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