v. - cuddles

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summary: reader and wilson are being all cute and cuddly.

authors note: this is a request for @jolstherat.

warnings: none<3


james was laying on the couch watching television when you can home. somehow he had managed to get home before you today.

"james, honey. i'm home."

"in here." he yelled from the other room.

you had made your way to find him under a blanket and leaning back. he hadn't turned his head until you came up and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"how was your day?" you asked, leaning closer to him from behind a couch.

he sighs, "it was fine."

"long day?"

he only nods, "yours?"

"meh. exhausting."

he pats the seat beside him and lifts the blanket, when you sat down he wrapped his arm around your waist. your head automatically laid over onto his shoulder while your hand rested on his chest. he leaned his head over to kiss your forehead and he slightly squeezed your sides.

after a few minutes of silence between the two, he turns his head and smiles.

"i want to stay here with you forever."

your heart melted and his tired voice made it so much better. you could feel the warm body temperature radiating off of him.

"that would be perfect."

as time went on, he felt that your weight became a tad heavier. he'd also noticed that your breathing steadied as you drifted off to sleep. he wasn't sure if it was due to him running his fingers through your hair or the slight caress of his arm around you.

either way, this was perfect. you started out being exhausted and overwhelmed to now being calm and at peace.

the same goes for james, he was tired and ready to end the day but now he was happy and relaxed.

before he knew it, he was asleep too. he'd began holding you tighter but still gentle.

you'd finally woke up around three a.m. when you noticed you were both still in your daily attire. reaching for the phone that was behind you, you tell cuddy you're taking a personal day tomorrow and that wilson would be too.

when he said he wanted to stay here forever, he was getting exactly that.


i hope you like this! if it isn't what you were wanting jols, just message me!

feel free to leave me some more requests! <3 thank you guys for the support.

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