Chapter Six

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I had no idea how awkward it was going to be for Mom walking into the hospital with "Mark" (barf). No, Andy! Delilah! Focus on Delilah!

Gilbert was sitting in my lap, his little head sitting on my legs. But he jumped up and started licking my face, as an effort to cheer me up in some way. I took him and buried my face into his fur, as if trying to hide from the world. Why did Mark have to be here and make this worse, no matter how hot he kind of was?

As soon as Mom pulled into the hospital parking, I left Gilbert in the car and jumped out, leaving the door open before Mom even stopped the car. (She was going slow, okay?)

"Delilah Deeks?" I asked, the front desk. The nurse pointed at the roster. 215. NICU. I started running upstairs as fast as I could, sweat forming on my back, and not from the running. I heard the nurse yell "Security!" but I kept going. Family Only? Bullshit, I was her family. I saw Dad outside the NICU, his eyes were wet.

"It's okay." he said to the security men, as he took me into his arms. "She's with me." The security guards retreated. Dad's gentle eyes looked into mine. They were so sad, that they made me start crying.

"How is she?" I asked him.

"Okay. She was supposed to be due in 3 months, but hopefully she'll be okay." he said, kissing my head.

"How's Mandy?" I asked. She must've been hit hard too. I wasn't completely soulless.

"Okay. A little teary, but trying to rest." he said. Mom came up behind us. Mark was right behind her. Dad's face went a little pale. So did Mom's a bit. I pulled out of Dad's arms a bit.

I witnessed the unexpected. Mom walked over and pulled Dad into a hug. "You holding up?" she asked. My mouth dropped open. Here were these two people who could barely look at each other without triggering some sort of memories, hugging.

"Who's that?" asked Dad, once they released.

Mom gulped. "That's Mark. My.. um... boyfriend." Dad's face got really red.

"You decide to bring your boyfriend to show off, huh?" he asked. "You take this time to show me that you moved on?!"

"Deeks! What the hell! Why would I ever do that!?" Mom shot back. Mark and I felt super awkward.

"I'll go wait in the car." said Mark, backing out and then running off.

"Because, Kensi! You'd think I'd soften or something because what happened!" said Dad.

"Woah!" I interfered. "What the hell happened?!" They both stopped and looked at me. Sad, and a little hurt. They looked at each other and sat down. I sat between them on two chairs in the hall.

"You see, baby." started Mom, holding my hand. "Jack was supposed to have a twin sister. And while I was in Ops, I started showing signs of preeclampsia, and I fell." Her voice started cracking a bit, her eyes getting teary. "And when they went to operate on me, they found that the cord was choking the girl." Mom started crying, tears falling freely. "And-And they c-couldn't save her in time."

"What was her name?" I gulped.

"Scout." sniffled Mom. "Her name was Scout. And the only reason we didn't tell you was because we were so hurt by it and we knew that you would be too."

I hugged them both. I turned to Dad. "Where are Wyatt and Sammy?"

"Mandy's mom's." said Dad. "We told them that their sister was born and they'd see her soon."

"Is it... um... okay if I go home?" I asked Mom. She nodded and wiped her tears. I stood up and hugged Dad once more. "Tell Mandy that I'm here for feminine companionship."

Dad laughed. "I will, baby."

Mom and I went back downstairs towards the exit, where Mark was waiting at the car, with Twinkies and smoothies. Mom smiled and kissed him. They hugged for a while, and I got in the car, where Gil was waiting for me.

"I fed him at home." said Mark, climbing in the driver's seat. "I have a dog at home myself."

"What's its name?" I asked, as we pulled out of the parking lot, sipping smoothies.

"Fern." he said, munching on his Twinkie. Mom didn't seem shocked. She probably was when she met Fern. He told her some joke about how much Fern likes Twinkies and Mom started laughing her head off.

It sometimes hurts me to think about getting them back together.

"Mom." I said once Mark dropped us off.

"Yeah, honey?" she said, looking at me with majestic eyes.

"I think Scout's an awesome name." I said. I looked at her neck. She was wearing the same necklace that I haven't seen her wear in a long time. The one with 5 hearts. "What do those hearts stand for?"

"Our family." she smiled. She said the names as she pointed to the hearts. "You, Jack, I... Scout."

And who else?" I pushed, as I looked at her.

"Your father."

How am I doing so far? I promise the reason they divorced is coming soon! But I want to see why u guys think they divorced.

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