Positivity ''What is life''? The meaning of life is to Fulfil your purposes and accomplish your goals. What I mean by this is, everyone has a purpose, of why they are living. None of us will be here if we didn't have a Purpose.
I know, I know, Life's hard, But cooking seems hard too, but once you have the ingredients and the Techniques to make the dish it becomes simpler. Life wouldn't be life if it didn't have so many Challenges.
A lot of people out there want to commit-Suicide or they have Depression, Because of their problems that they are facing and they often think that's the right decision But it's not.
So if you want to lead a good life, Your mind has to be clear, positive, and always happy. Remember there will be Ups- and Downs, but Life's not Perfect, Babes.
You cannot Have a Positive Life and a Negative Mind.💜
Dream Big, Work Hard, Stay focused And Surround Yourself with Good People.🤍
Do not Think of Suicide, if you think it Could Help you get away from your problems, you're wrong it can't. You have to Face your problems Bravely, Strongly, and with A lot of faith. Even if everything in life was perfect we would never learn nor we would never grow Because life teaches us important lessons.
L.B.B-Let's Be Brave and put on our Game Face, because we are not gonna Allow Negativity to Take control Of our Minds. Challenges are what makes Life interesting and overcoming, Then you can say that life is meaningful.
Happiness Doesn't Just grow on trees, you have to make them. Be Happy even If there's no reason to be happy.😊
Nobody's Perfect. we make Mistakes, We Say wrong things, We do wrong things, We fall, Get up, We learn, We Grow, We move on and We live.so Don't convince yourself that you're the only one who makes mistakes.
Respect yourself enough to say ''I deserve Peace,'' and Walk from People or Things That prevent you from Attaining It. Positivity is gonna take you good and Peaceful Places.
I mean Don't You Want This to be You? I would love to enjoy the breeze and the sound of the waves.
How to conquer/Survive Life
Teen FictionLife isn't an easy thing,it's hard to cope with life and its challenges, but I've put together some advice and a positive attitude into the writing of this book and I hope this book helps you to become brave and strong in order for you to complete...