blood on the dance floor part 1 continued

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An hour later I'm awoken to the sound of someone getting sick I'm not sure if it is Ryan or Jayy. I get up out of bed and look in the living room to see if Ryan is there and when I don't see him I go check the bathroom. But to my surprise I find Jayy in the bathroom puking his guts out. If Jayy is there then where is Ryan and his friends. Oh wait thats right we are down the steet from Ryan's house and the others are asking there parents if the can come with us on the tour bus.

"Jayy are you okay do you want me to get you water or something," I ask concerned about Jayy. "No just go find out if the gang is coming and if so tell them lets go so we can leave," Jayy says.

I walk out to the houses to find out if everyone is coming and get a yes from all of them. When I walk into Ryans house to see if he is ready to go I find him in a fight with his mom. He turns to me and moitions for me that its ohkay to come in. Ryan turns back to his mom and continues what he was saying before he turns his back on her and walks out of the room.

"Did everyone get the ohkay to come with us," Ryan asks Dahvie. "Yeah. What were you and your mom fighting about if you don't mind me asking if you don't want me to know you don't have to tell me I'm just wondering," I ask "She seen that I had more cuts on my arm then what i had when I left the house and she is like really mad. But i dont care I'm eighteen she can't do shit," Ryan tells me. "Ryan listen to me I know it isn't my place but you should respect your mom she only cares about you and if your going to be with Jayy you can't be cutting yourself to solve your problem he hates that of all things,"I explain to Ryan.

We walk onto the tour bus and Ryan just collapses on the couch next to Jayy. Jayy grabs his hand and turns his arm over I watch in silnce as Jayy runs his fingers up and down Ryans cuts until Ryan cringes in pain from the fresh cuts.

"Ohkay Jayy your hurting him,"I say trying to get Jayy to stop from what he is doing. "How does that hurt him but he can cut himself that makes no fuckin sense. I don't understand this fucked up logic," Jayy says clearly annoyed with me. "Hey don't get mad at me its just how it is. I know that your doing that cause youre just curious but when it starts to hurt someone you have to stop," I say softly trying to diffuse the situation. Jayy knows nothing about my past and why I know that fresh cuts hurt the most.


I look at Dahvie with a smile thankful that he stepped in cause i went deeper then usual and now my arm really hurts but i guess i got that for cutting myself. Oh wells. I settle down and rest my head on Jayys chest. "Lets go get  some sleep we can talk about this in the morning,"Jayy says looking at me. Jayy grabs my head and pulls me towards his room as he  yells night to everyone on the tour bus. I lay in bed for two hour hours beforeI finally fall asleep. And not ten minutes later I am woken by arguing.

I roll over to ask Jayy what is going on when i realize he is the one arguing with some one but who is the questtion. I roll out of Jayys bunk onto the floor with a loud thump the fighting stops for a moment and I stop moving. When the arguing continues i stand up and carefully walk to the door and open it, we hit a bump and i fall with another loud thump. Fuck i think.

"ohkay seriously who is up and keeps falling like its really blowing my shit," shouts what sounds like jeffree. "Sorry its Ryan I woke up and heard fighting and then saw Jayy was missing and i got up to see who was arguing and to tell them to shut the fuck up people are trying to sleep,"I reply to who i assume is jeffree.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2012 ⏰

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