|Chapter 13 ~ The Creature|

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I never saw the body of a dead person before and was also extremely glad to have been spared from the sight for so long. It was simply horrifying. The lifeless dark eyes that stared back at me were filled with nothing other than simple death. I never knew a person's body could become so ashen, almost as if the skin turned translucent. 

Beneath the paper thin flesh, bulged blue bloated veins making the sight even more surreal. It made me taste bile.

Terrible silence engulfed the hall. It felt almost like that of a grave and in this horrible instance, it was exactly that. A room that felt suddenly fifty degrees colder than moments before, the golden light turning dimmer by the minute. 

I could hear Lex's sharp intake of breath, her body very still next to mine. Huang and Jacob's faces were masks of pure fury, but they held their composure. They knew full well what would happen if they were to attack the Lesphares right then. It would definitely not help anyone nor save the already dead Alium that lay sprawled out next to its killer's feet.

"Beware the power of our people. We will not let this deed go unpunished." The Lesphares said as if the corpse was nothing of great importance. He then disappeared in a soft swishing sound so quickly my eyes could hardly catch the movement. The only proof that he was ever there, was a dark grey feather slowly falling to the metal floor. Utterly graceful. Much like that of an angel's.

An angel of death.

Lex opened her mouth to say something, when the hall suddenly erupted in an explosion of terrified yells and screams. The pandemonium broke the ghastly silence that had held the hall hostage mere seconds ago entirely. Aliums jumped from their seats and backed away from two metal doors that started to open with a large groan. Alium men clothed in black protective gear burst through the doors with ropes wrapped around something momentarily obscured from my vision. The Aliums were all armed with various firearms that radiated a slight blueish glow. They were dressed in dark combat regalia that made them look like a dangerous cult, each Alium's gaze threatening. Without a moment's hesitation, I also jumped on a table in order to see what all the commotion was about. My blood then froze. Drained completely from my face.

Out of the doors stumbled Gandila, her beautiful blue pelt dirty and torn in some places along her strong sides. The creature's yellow eyes were wide with fright and anger. Ears pulled back far against her head. Bruises covered her profile and a deep cut stretched across the forehead of the her beautiful head, probably a gash made by a blade of some sorts.

Gandila looked hurt and I could spot the edge of a spear-like weapon protruding from her backside, golden blood oozing from the fresh wound and forming a horrible bright puddle on the floor. At the sight of the sickening liquid, the vision of the dying Albert immediately burst through my mind in a wave of overwhelming emotion that left me momentarily stunned. Deep hatred for the men that hurt the gorgeous creature to such a horrible extent suddenly burned through my body like fire.

I did not remember how I got down from the table nor how I managed to get past the many Aliums, but the next moment I was next to Gandila with a murderous expression on my face. My blood boiled with so much fury I could see only crimson. Gandila was the last thing I had left of the old man and the only thing I knew in that moment. I couldn't let such a terrible wrong slide.

No. They had no idea who she was or what she had done for me.

"Get AWAY !!" I screamed in such a venomous voice I felt the Alium men back away from us warily, glancing at each other. They didn't know how to react to my sudden outburst.

I dragged my fingers through Gandila's soft fur and felt tears well up inside my eyes. The feline's one yellow eye looked at me in sheer relief and joy. "Where were you?!" I asked softly, cringing at Gandila's bright ichor blanketing my hands.

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