Finally free part 1

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Hey, sorry for the very late update to this book. I just had the hardest time getting ideas for this ship. Now that I have some, this book will hopefully be updated more often.

Ok, I don't want to spoil the story, because then why read it? So, I will say this, this story (like all I post on Wattpad) has a happy ending. No matter how sad it might seem it ends well for the team Rocket trio. 

Hope you all enjoy it!


After evading his parents for so long within the vast organization of team rocket, James believed he was free. Free from his controlling parents, free from his obsessive fiancé, and free from the lonely life he didn't want.

Even if he was hungry most days, and his team failed to gather any Pokémon, he was still happy with the friends he had made. Jessie and Meowth. Although times were tuff, and they often fought like wild Houndoom, they always stuck together. They were like family. A real family.

However, he was trapped back within the confines of his parents control. His wedding with Jessabelle mere days away and all he could think about was Jessie.

James sat in his room with his mind a drift as his Cousin, John, went on and on about how James didn't deserve Jessabelle.

"I mean, come on man! You have a beautiful woman who actually wants you and still wants you after you ran away from her. Multiple times, might I add. You should be grateful everyone has taken you back without a second thought, instead of up here, mopping about some no good team." John complained. "If I were in your shoes, I'd be super happy."

James didn't respond. What was the point? No one was going to understand what he was feeling. No one cared. It was all about his marriage to Jessabelle. It always had been.

John suddenly grew quiet, which caught James's attention. He turned just as Jessie climbed into the window. James shot up from the chair he was in, and stared at her in shock.

"What are you doing here? How did you get up here? Where is Meowth?" James questioned rapidly.

"We are here to get you out of here. Now come on." Jessie took ahold of James's arm and pulled him toward the window. "Meowth is waiting for us with the balloon."

"Wait!" John exclaimed as he clung into James. "Take me with you!"

"Get off!" Jessie shoved him away. "Meowth, get over here!"

A large Meowth shaped balloon came up to the window rather quickly.

"Took you long enough." Meowth grumbled from inside the basket of the balloon.

"Hey, you try climbing up here! This place is huge. Be glad it took me this long." Jessie hissed. "Now let's go!"

Jessie nearly threw James into the basket before she jumped in herself. With the team in, the balloon took off.

"Hey! Come back! Please take me with you!" John jumped after them.

However, the balloon was to far away for him to jump in, but he was able to grab into the ropes on the side. Jessie and James reluctantly pulled him into the safety of the basket, but was then bound and knocked out by Jessie.

"Looks like we have a hostage." Jessie groaned. "Get us back to camp as fast as possible Meowth. We don't need anyone following."

"You got it." Meowth grinned.

The cat Pokémon then pushed a big red button on his remote control. The balloon sped up even more and before they knew it, they were hidden away in the forest not far from James's family vacation home.

Rocketshipping oneshots/stories (very slow updating/ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now