Running from the past and future

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It went on like that for a couple of days. We went on some official dates, and I felt like I was on a cloud. I never brought up the whole kid danger thing because I wanted to keep things smooth. But was it right to lie to him? One day I was at school and I walked down the hall. I was in such a good mood I even considered saying something. That was until I turned a corner to find Henry kissing Chloe. He was pushed against the lockers and they wouldn't have even noticed me if I hadn't let out a small gasp like I was just punched in the stomach. That's what it felt like. "Rose wait I can explain!" He pleaded. "Don't bother!" I screamed. Years of anger and sadness were just let out and that's all I could manage. Henry looked shocked that I had actually spoken while Chloe just looked satisfied. I couldn't do it anymore I ran home and grabbed my picture, Poochy, and my journal. That's all I needed. I just had to leave this life behind. It was just one more stop. I left the house with my small bag and some cash. I decided to leave a note at junk and stuff for Henry saying goodbye and tell him not to look for me. So I went. I asked the man behind the counter where Henry was. And he said that Henry wasn't there 'like hell he's not' I thought and left. But I didn't leave. I went outside and found a back door. It was locked. Thank god this foster kid knows how to pick a lock. I found an elevator and I stepped inside. I pressed the down button and the elevator dropped. I screamed so loud I thought my lungs would pop. I hit the ground and got out. Captain mans secret layer. I looked around a little but then this tube came down and I dove and hid. It was captain man and kid danger or Henry as I know him. They started talking about how worried about me Henry was and how pissed Charlotte was at him. He wanted to look for me, then captain man said they had to leave again. They shouted up the tube and whoosh! They were gone. But then a tube came down again. But this time it was the man who had kidnapped me! The man in black! "Finally I found the layer! Now I can destroy it and captain man and kid danger!" I wasn't about to let that happen! He turned away from me and I grabbed a chair and hit him with it. It took him down but he jumped back up and yelled, "you!" That's right I'm taking him down! While he was still shocked I shoved him into shelves then I found whatever looked like a weapon and zapped him with it. It stunned him so I shot him with it a couple of times for good measure. Little did I know that captain man and Henry had been standing there the whole time. They looked amazed. Then Henry smiled and said "that was awesome Rose! I mean... that was good complete stranger!"
"I know it's you Henry!" I said trying to sound calm and cool. "And yes I can talk I just chose not to."
"How did you get down here?" Captain man asked. I told him everything that had happened. Then I said how I had to leave. "You can't leave!" Henry finally got his brain started. "Why would I stay here when it will only remind me of you!" I shouted. "She kissed me! I tried to get away but she cornered me and the minute you ran away I left her!" I found it hard to believe because of how hard everything has been. But then I remembered what I saw in his eyes every time he looked at me. He truly loves me. At that moment I ran up to him, took off his mask and kissed him hard. He explained that captain mans name is Ray and how he got to work here. "That was pretty amazing how you took on a villain twice." Ray said.
"Let's give her a job here!" Henry got really exited.
"No way! I can't hire every single person that walks through the door!" Ray argued.
"But you said that she was brave!" Henry begged. I chimed in, "I would be pretty helpful to you. I'm strong and I have good reflexes." Finally he caved,
"Alright you can work here! But you need a costume!"

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