Getting into the job

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We went through everything until I decided to make my own suit. It was a blue suit with a red skirt sewn on and the logo on the front. I also got a red mask. I put it on and showed everyone. Charlotte came because she heard the news and I think she was more exited than Henry was. I walked out and everyone stood in awe. "So what do you think?" I asked nervously.
"You look awesome!" Henry said and I smiled.
"Now you need a name!" Charlotte said. Everyone thought for a while then I spoke up. "How about silent danger?"
"I like it!" Henry said and everyone agreed. So I got my watch and gum and I took the oath and just like that I was on the team. I was about to leave but schwaz came running in.
"Before you go I make gadgets for you!" He had me put on a pair of boots. "These are rocket boots so you can fly to the scene." Then he had me put on a necklace and said, "this controls your body and make you fight perfectly!" Last be gave me two long knives and said, "this give you ability to fight with knives and it shoots tiny knives!" He looked more exited than me about his creations. So I became all the talk about the new sidekick and how the two sidekicks are a "thing." Everything seemed fine until one day I couldn't find Charlotte, Ray, or Henry. Then I got an email from the man in black who I thought was in jail but apparently broke out. It was a video of everyone captured by him! He told me where to come and when. I was going and I knew it was a trap but he wasn't betting on the weapons I now have.

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