Chapter 2 Processed

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Chapter TW: strong language, violence, assault, forced nudity, manipulation, restraints/binding, spitting 


Ap'lek, who enjoyed when captives fought, smacked her again before yanking her by her hair and dragged her on her ass behind him. Her hands were bound at her back and she kicked her legs towards any Knight that came close to her. The Knights fell into formation and followed their Master back to the Night Buzzard now that their mission was accomplished.

"Leave no other survivors." At Kylo's command, the remaining force of stormtroopers scattered to flush out and deal with any remaining villagers. 


Returning to the Night Buzzard, their Captive in tow, the Knights of Ren were pleased with their work. But they had not satiated their thirst for violence, yet. The ground excursion was only the first course in this meal. The next course was writhing in Ap'lek's grasp.

The Night Buzzard was a modified Oublette-class transport the Knights had commandeered for their personal use. Previously used for prison transfers, it was equipped with several holding cells, some updated for the Knight's private quarters and others remained the bare cages for prisoners and the like.

By this point, the Captive's vocal cords were shredded from her screams. Now only squeaks and guttural moans escaped her lips. Her energy drained away as she was dragged up the ramp. Seeing the ramp door seal shut, taking her from everything she had ever known, a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Ap'lek continued his assault on her hair, pulling her slowly and then with sudden yanks when he felt like she was adjusting to the pain. Kylo Ren turned to face his Knights, "Once we are in the air, process her and then throw her in a cell. Kuruk, get us moving." Turning to look at the Captive, "We have a long trip ahead of us, the remaining Knights will keep you company." Even if she could not see his face, she could envision his sardonic grin.

At their Master's command, the Knights circled around the Captive, picking her up by her arms and legs in painful grips, and carried her limp body further inside the ship.

To her surprise, she was thrown into a communal refresher, the longwall lined with showers and drains littered the floor. "Strip. Now." Echoed throughout the room from Vicrul's mask. The Captive was clamoring to get up, clutching her clothing tight to her skin, trying to melt them into her flesh. "Don't make me ask again. This will only get worse for you." Oozed from his vocoder as he took a step towards her.

"'t do this." The Captive murmured as she stumbled backward. Eyes so focused on Vicrul in front of her that she did not see Ushar creep behind her.

Falling back into him, Ushar's arm wrapped around her waist as the other went to grab her top, "I love it when they fight." He ripped the fabric from her skin and threw the tatters on the floor, leaving her chest exposed. She bashed her back against the chest of his armor, trying desperately to get away to cover herself. His voice lowered as his mask pressed against the side of her head, "Now. Are you going to be a good girl and do as your told or do you need more help?"

Ushar let her slip in front of him, gauging her reaction to his question. "NO! I will do it myself." Trembling in her skin, the Captive faced away from the Knights in a false sense of modesty and removed her pants. Cardo turned to the shower, adjusting the water and held out a hand, indicating for her to move into the shower. "Are you going to be here the entire time? It's not like I can run anywhere, you have me trapped on this ship." The Knights had moved against the opposite wall from the showers, casually leaning on the wall or squatting, taking in the sight before them.

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