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     It had been 11 years since we defeated Voldemort. I had settled down with Ginny and we had a child we named James. I became an aurror helping retain the safety of our kind, life was good. Until it wasn't. It was just a normal day at the ministry people bustling around with lots papers, scribbling  down notes, etc. Everything was fine and normal.  And as I said earlier until it wasn't.

      All of the sudden an image popped out of thin air with a POP! And I would have never guessed what it was unless it hadn't been right in front of me. The man I defeated 11 years ago, Voldemort.Then the image started talking, "As you can see I have returned! You all may have thought you defeated me 11 years ago, but I have once again returned!" I sat there stunned, it couldn't be could it? I mean it wasn't possible right? The image continued, " You may be wondering  how will he defeat us we won last time? Well, the answer to that question is I'll  have my grandson Perseus Jackson. Well hope this intimated you! Bye!"           

     At first it was silent but after that it all led to chaos. People screamed and ran around in circles! It was absolute madness! And while all this was happening sat there stunned. How? This couldn't be happening! And a grandson too!  Somehow miraculously though Hermione ( who was the minister of magic)  yelled through the chaos. "EVERYBODY LISTEN UP", that seemed to release me from my shock and got everybody else to shut up too. " There could be a perfectly logical explanation for all this, some idiot could have thought this up to be a practical joke or someone is just trying to give us a scare. Someone get ,e a report on anything weird going on involving dark magic and somebody else get me a report on anybody named Perseus Jackson. We're going to get to the bottom of this!"

Grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now