Too Good To Be True Part 2 ‼️

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Dave E.
I pulled up to the trap I went in that shii was empty asf I went into my office & I changed into all black then went to my desk grabbed mad bullets & I put on my bulletproof vest.

I grabbed my book bag too cuhh I was gonna need the stuff in it   When I was finish I got in my car and sped off to where durk was I tired of all this shii happening with meh jayda my family it's time for all this shii to end once and for all ima kill this nigga

I pulled up it was naked bitches running out crying I went through the back I seen ah nigga with some tan pants to looked like he had blood on it when he seen me he tried to reach for his gun

buhh I shot em in the head cuhh I'm on demon time right now till i get my shorty I walked down this dark hallway seen 3 more niggas they started shooting at me I ran into this room and shut the door it was dark

buhh it was Ah little bit of light coming in . Then I Hurd crying I turned on my flash light it was a lil boy" are you okay?"  I asked when I walked over to her she backed up " listen ima get you out okay jus stay behind meh I know you scared Buhh if you wanna leave this place and go home to ya people's come on " I told him he nodded his head yes

" okay buhh you gotta help meh out doe did you see ah pregnant lady In here ? " I asked cuhh maybe he seen jayda in here " I can show you mister " so he one the door  buhh I pulled me back wait ah minute 

I had to my night vision glasses on && I had to make sure it was okay to Go out and it was u followed behind him it was ah long dark hallway

so I held to his shoulder so he could stay close to meh we walking he turn this corner and he went to this door and when he walked to the door " she's down there buhh be careful " he said "okay stay here okay & if anybody come jus use this okay put ya finger here and when you see somebody jus shot okay" he nodded his head

I went down the steps and when I walked down there it smelled so bad like somebody died buhh i had got this feeling that it  somebody was watching meh I had my gun I'm my hands when I got to the lasted step

I tripped over ah wire & bright ass lightes came on it was light faces ah someone I tried to walk over there " touch her and I'll blow us all up " the voice sounded familiar it was dark in one corner " who are you show your self " I said waving the gun around " oh you don't know who it is ? " they laughed " nahh I don't show ya self you punk ass bitch " I said they they stepped out the dark corner and it was.......KAYLEEE!!!!!

When I seen it was her I heated asf I ain't even wanna here her say shii I aimed my gun to her " oouuu I wouldn't wanna do that if I was you " " you see cuhh if you shot meh my brothers gonna come for you && jayda over poor little thing she prolly already dead okay my brothers taught her Ah good lesson she's jus a hoe them babies she pregnant with aren't even urs I got the papers to prove it " she said

I really jus wanted to kill her already idc she gotta die too I put my hand on the trigger squeezing it I Hurd ah gunshots go off from upstairs I turned my head I Hurd running down the steps the first person that came down

" you killed he- when I Hurd that voice i immediately I shot them cuhh it was Chris "your gonna pay for this"kaylee said trying to run up on on meh with ah knife and I shot her in her chest till she fell then

I walked over to the bed as I got closer I seen blood everywhere I tried to wake jayda she wouldn't move "jayda baby come on get up" I said smacking her face gently "plz baby wake up " she did move I seen where the blood was coming I picked jayda up i walked upstairs and I smelled gas so I knew I had to hurry before this place blows up I got to the top of the steps the lil boy was up there holding his arm I looked at him

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