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Gon was laying on the ground, face bloody as Hanzo thrust inside him. It was after their fight and Gon decided to find Hanzo after everyone left to thank him for the fight. Gon finished talking when Hanzo punched him hard non stop in the gut then the face, before ripping his shorts off and getting on top of him on the ground. Gon didnt know he would end up having his face smashed into the cold tile floor as he proceeded to get raped.
Pain seared through Gon and he screamed in agony, he begged him to stop but he just rammed harder. Gon screamed and screamed as he felt nothing but pain.


Hisoka was walking down the hallway to exit after talking to Illumi when he heard faint screams. screams that sounded like Gon. Hisoka walked toward the screams that were coming from behind the door down the hallway. He looked through the glass window on the door and saw Hanzo fucking Gon. His Gon. Once Hisoka processed what he saw he couldnt control what came next. His aura became so powerfully dangerous Hanzo stopped his movements and looked towards the direction it came from.


Gon cried in pain as Hanzo gripped his sides hard enough to bruise. Suddenly Gon felt this deadly aura and at the same time Hanzo had stopped moving inside him. Gon caught his breath trying to figure out what was going on when before he could blink a flash of pinkish red zoomed by and he heard Hanzo scream. Hanzo was out of him, Gon realized. Gon tried to stand up but couldnt even balance on his knees, he turned around and saw Hanzo on the ground with a pool of blood on his sides Gons vision got blurry and everything went black.


Hisoka became so angry he couldnt think the second he saw the scene before him. He pushed the door open and flashed by so fast to use his deck of cards to slice open both Hanzos wrists. After that he got on top of him and started punching him over and over, he felt like couldnt stop and that nothing would ever be enough to make up for what he did to Gon.what what seemed like forever, finally Hisoka stopped and got up, his shirt, pants and fists covered in blood. Hisoka walked over to Gons laying form, his thighs and butt covered in blood with brused sides. He examined his face noting that Hanzo got punches in as well. Hisoka carefully picked Gon up bridal style and walked out.


Gon woke up in a large bed with big blankets on top of him. He looked to his side to see it was nightime and city lights shown below the glass window. The room was dark and the Air condition kept it chilly. Gon didnt know where he was and started to panic thinking he was with Hanzo, thats when his memories came back. Someone saved me, Gon thought. Gon sat up in the bed when pain jolted through him, Gon whimpered out in pain swiftly laying back down against the big fluffy pillows. His face began to throb as sharp pain pulsed between his legs. Gon faught the urge to cry but couldnt anymore. He lay their as tears dripped onto the pillow. A few minuted later he heard a door open and sees Hisoka walking out with only sweatpants as he dries his wet hair. Gon stares, pulling the covers over his chin. Hisoka hears the movement and makes eye contact.
"oh, youre awa-"
"w-what are you doing? why am i here? Just because he did that to me doesnt mean you can too!" Gon yells shoving the blankets aside and jumping out of bed to escape. Hisokas eyes widen at the outburst. Gons legs give out and he falls onto his knees he grips the bed to stand back up but cant. Hisoka sees Gons eyes well up with tears shining in the moonlight. Hisoka walks over cautiously and kneels down,
"i killed him and brought you here. i have no intent to hurt you." he says lowly.
Gon shivers at his voice with his face is in his hands as he sobs.
"You should get back in bed so you can heal."
"ill never heal." Gon says darkly. Hisoka feels the dark depression swirl around Gon, something hes least expect from him. Hisoka stands up and grabs Gons sides to put him the bed. The pressure on his bruised causing Gon to groan in pain. Hisoka gets in bed with him pulling the blankets over them. Gon stares at the ceiling as his tears sink into his skull. Hisoka shifts, his arm slightly against Gons on accident but it would be awkward to move it away now. This would be the perfect time to do what he wants with Gon, Hisoka knows but now is not the time. Gon needs space now he thinks. The air is filled with heaving breaths and sobs.
Gons arm nudges hisokas, "ca-can you hold my hand?" Gon rasps out. Hisoka blushes and looks over at him still staring at the ceiling.
"u-yes," He says and grabs Gons hand awkwardly. Gon holds onto the warmth of his hand before drifting to sleep.


Gon woke up the throbbing in his face gone. He tried standing sucessfully although it was painful to walk. he opened the door and saw Hisoka making breakfast. He set 2 plates down on each side of the table.
"you should eat." hisoka says.
They both sit down. Gon stares at his food for awhile before finally taking a bite.
"it tastes like my Aunt Mitos cooking. What am i going to tell her," Gon says plainly. Hisoka doesnt know what to say. Gon changes the subject, "well, what did you do after you killed him?"
Hisoka swallows his food, "i picked you up and brought you here. i wiped your face and put you in bed. Gon felt the crust of blood between his but and thighs.
"Can i shower?"
"yes. i would have showered you myself but i knew that would have made you upset and want to leave ~❤︎"
"It wouldnt matter what anybody did to me anymore." Gon said bitterly before shutting the bathroom door.
"theres clothes in the caninet under the sink." Hisoka said.
This isnt like Gon at all. I dont know what ill do
Gon washed the blood off himself in the shower, usually he would take baths but he felt like he was too grown for them all of a sudden. The shower water burned his bruised flesh. When he finished he stepped out and pressed his finger against his anus. he winced at the slightest pressure and when he brought his finger back it was bloody. still bleeding he thought. He opened the cabinet beneath the sink to find a big black tshirt and big drawstring pants. the pants were too big and didnt fit and the shirt was big and came midthigh but fit. he decided hed just wear the shirt with nothing else, it covered enough he thought. if this were any other time i wouldnt dare wear just a shirt. but im not worried anymore about anything he thought coldly. He opened the door and when hisoka saw him his eyes widened.
"the pants didnt fit." he said blankly before sitting on the couch slowly, to not cause any pain.
"what are your plans?" Hisoka inquired. Gon looked lifelessly at a painting on the wall, "i dont have any."
"well, you could stay here or go home." Hisoka pushed, hoping hed stay.
gon shrugged, "i dont mind staying here. im not ready to see anyone i know yet." Hisoka smiled.

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