Lucy POV
I ran. I ran as fast as I could before stopping looking at the guild one last time.
I hurried to my apartment looking at the border that I used once walked on as I made my way to and from the guild every day.
I washed every though I mostly focus on what I'm going to do. Do I leave my apartment too? Leave magic behind? Thoughts raced my head I knew I could get stronger? But how could I join another guild just after leaving one! Maybe I could work for sorcerer weekly write articles and stuff. Wait that might be a good idea. I thought as I quickly ran into my apartment and packed everything I could I knew Natsu and the other dragon slayers would tell everyone what they heard so I need to be fast in order to not be stopped.
I finally had everything around that would be useful or needed in the future leaving several things behind. I graved the picture of my parents and Michele's doll putting them safely in a small bag as I exit my apartment, I look around and laugh as all the memories flooded my head. I ran down the stairs and placed my keys on a small table by the landlady's door and I walked out the door.
I know Natsu had to known, that I left so why didn't he stop me I think as I arrive at the train station. Why didn't he try to stop me... Does he not care... No, don't think about why Lucy. I yell at my self as I take a seat by my self towards the middle of the train. It was still pretty early but this is the last train until noon, so if they were to try to find me they would have to wait till then. I look out the window remembering all the funny moments we made together. They didn't need someone like me on the team I just got in the way and needed saving all the time. I knew it was for the best.
The train takes a stop at Crocus (the town Lucy stays in after Fairy Tail disbands) and I slowly get off and think Now where am I supposed to stay... I walk down a pretty busy street as I come across a sign that says APARTMENT FOR RENT 80,000 YEN A bit more than my old apartment but I'll take it I guess. I walk inside and to the landlord's room and knock.
TIME SKIP AGAIN (Sorry I just don't like adding new people)
I walk into my new apartment and look around. Nothing like my old place pretty expressive but I'm fine with that now I need a job... I think as I look at some papers I found on and look thought them hoping a job will come up that won't involve magic. After a bit of searching, I found that sorcerer weekly was looking for a model I check the date the paper was made. I find that it was printed today wow how lucky am I, maybe I can do modeling for a bit and see if I can change to a writer I say to myself.
Sorry I know this chapter is pretty short but I promise I'll try making them longer. Also we almost to 10 views I know that doesn't seem like much but I'm just happy people are reading my fanfiction. Also 580words yay.

The Home She'll Never Forget
FanfictionYes Lucy leaves fairy tail but it's not because of Lisanna if your asking. She just feels weak as if she doesn't deserve to be on the strongest team in Fairy Tail. She doesn't want to get strong though she want to forget about being a mage and work...