[ greed - caring for an assassian. ]

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[ ᴍᴀᴍᴍᴏɴ x ᴀssᴀssɪɴ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ]

mammon week chapter

"slow and steady.. [ name ].. slow and steady.." you crept your way towards the house of lamentation.

mammon was the only one in the house, since he was sick and staying home from everybody.

the rest were at rad, doing a meeting. so it was probably another perfect run for you, the witches would pay you hella good for this, i mean.. he's a student council member!

you looked around, and used a rock to break the glass from satan's window, opening it from the outside.

you wince as the glass cut through your gloves, and pierced your skin, stepping through, your ankle gets sliced with a piece of glass.

you bit your sleeve to cover your winced pains.

"ah, shit." you mumbled, limbing inside satan's room, dodging the few hundred books inside his room.

you opened satan's door, and wandered around, trying to find mammon's colored door, until..

you miss counted your steps, and tripped over a step, and you fell down the stairs down to the entrance hall.

"oh, shit!" you yelled a bit too loudly.

mammon heard the commotion, and decided to check it out, he was in a sniffling/coughing fit.

mammon peered out into the entrance hall, and there you were.

your ankle was cut by some glass, as well as your hand. and probably a bruise on your forehead.

oh how dead you were, mammon could easily power you, and kill you instantly, so you held your breath.

"are.. are you okay?" he coughed slightly, and you groan in response.

"what does it look like." you didn't move, that ankle wound of yours was slowly dragging you towards death, not because of the pain, but because of mammon.

you felt yourself being lifted, but you didn't feel him slamming you back down onto the ground like you thought he would.

you felt bad because he was sick, and was helping you up.

you hear mammon sigh, then a door click, before feeling the softness of a bed.

"wha-" mammon paused you.

"stay here, i ne-needa to bring some medical items." mammon told you coughing mid sentence, and you just nodded.

a few minutes later, you saw mammon come back with bandages, alchol pads, and more.

you were frightened, thinking that was not for your wounds, but for your mouth. yes, you thought mammon would make you drink alchol.

mammon placed an ice pack on the fresh new bruise, he was looking around, before his eyes laid on the bleeding hand.

"wait, wha..? your hand.. it's also bleeding.." mammon mumbled, looking at the blood seeping through the black glove.

mammon carefully took off your glove, and patted the wounded parts of your hand with the alchol pad.

"it's okay, sweetie. it wouldn't hurt that badly." mammon smiled, making you feel heat rise towards your cheeks.

when he said that, your hand didn't hurt that much.

he slowly wrapped the gauze around your cut hand, looking at your reaction to see if you got hurt or not.

mammon patted your head.

"alright, your hand is done. now time for your ankle.. don't worry, darling. i'm pretty sure you'll be fine." mammon reassured you, but you were this close from thinking mammon just wanted to help you up then bring you down again.

"oh.. what's this in your pocket?" mammon asked, and you held your breath once more.

he pulled out the pocket knife you used for self defense, and sliting people's throats.

"i use that self defense, some demons down here are cruel." you somewhat told the truth.

"don't cut yourself with this.. okay, doll?" mammon said, cupping your cheek with one hand.

mammon placed the pocket knife on his night stand, then continued.

you nodded, feeling that blush rise back, mammon slid down the bed towards your bleeding wound.

you whimper in pain when alchol was patted down on the bloody wound.

mammon noticed this quickly, and rushes to reassure and comfort you.

mammon cupped your cheeks, slowly rubbing your cheek with his thumb, making you relax.

"you'll get through this, you can. right, kitten?" mammon asked.

you bit your lip, and nodded. and mammon continued patching your wound.

he seemed like he knew somethings about patching you up, but he was still clumsy.

"hmm.. hmm.. and.. done!" mammon said cheerfully.

you felt your heart beat straight out of your chest. the damn boy didn't know what would've happened if you weren't a clumsy dumbass.

"thanks.." you mumbled. sitting up and holding the ice pack.

"what can i do to return the favor?" you asked. and mammon just tilted his head.

"i mean, i could know your name, for starters." mammon said.

you felt like a complete dumbass now, no wonder why all those nicknames were coming left and right. he didn't get your name, yet he was still helping your clumsy ass.

"it's [ name ]." you sighed out.

"i mean, you already know me. the great mammon?" mammon asked, going back to his prideful, egotistical self.

"mhm." you nodded.

"how'd you get in..? i swore lucifer locked all the doors.. and a curse.." mammon mumbled.

"a window." you admitted, and laughed a bit.

"who's window?" mammon asked, and your face kinda paled.

"satan's." you answered.

"awh shit." you both thought out loud.

"mammmoooonnn?" a loud voice yelled out, making you and mammon freeze.

"oka-okay! you gotta go." mammon coughed.

"lucifer would kill me if he saw another demon in here." mammon opened his window, and you felt mammon lift you up, slowly setting you down on the grass, giving you a some what soft landing.

mammon closed his window, and went back to bed, hiding the medical supplies in his car that was ironically in his room.

lucifer peeked into mammon's room, and saw mammon laying in bed.

"mammon?" lucifer asked, and mammon sat up.

"yeah?" he asked.

"come on, dinner is almost ready." lucifer said, walking out of his room.

mammon nodded, and went to his window, grabbing the pocket knife on the night stand.

"see you soon, [ name ]." mammon smiled.

"see you soon." mammon repeated.


mammon sighed, and placed the pocket knife on the night stand. and walked out of his room, ready to face satan's wrath.

ee double post because i didnt post yesterday

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