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tw// minor swearing





choi beomgyu !!

are you okay?

i've seen the post...


yeah, i'm fine !

why wouldn't i be?

it's just a post, taehyun


oh, so you didn't see the comments|

oh, so you didn't|


i'm just paranoid 🤷‍♂️



hey, so i'm just going to make it clear

whatever you think is going to happen between you and yeonjun is NOT going to happen

stop living in your little world of fanfiction

your i'm dating a kpop idol stories is never going to happen

so stay away from my junie




i think i have made myself very clear


we're just friends?

graduate sixth grade before worrying about your idols 🙄


block juniejunie?

yes no



saw the post about you and yeonjun

didn't know you were such a slut 😌🤢



don't make me block you on every platform, i know it's you


block unknown?

yes no



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❤ 💬 ↗


4thgenchoi [ OFFICIAL STATEMENT ] with regards to the dating rumour recently, beryl entertainment has declared that it was nothing but an ordinary fan. on june 20, a fan had came up to choi yeonjun and they stopped for a quick chat, and nothing more than that. all posts untrue or violating rights would be deleted. 

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why did you lie, choi yeonjun?

not delivered!

i know you'll cut all ties immediately

you left me

everyone does

not delivered!

but nothing more than that?

that's what you see me as?

not delivered!

i knew it

everyone leaves me in the end

not delivered!


block choi yeonjun step on me?

yes no


"really, choi yeonjun? you've been so clean with rumors, what did you do now?" the PD's exasperated voice rang out in the empty meeting room. 

"why can't i do what i like? i don't care about what they say. i lov- beomgyu's a great friend, so what's wrong with hanging out with him? why did you release that statement?" yeonjun crossed his arms as he leaned back in his seat. 

"there's a no dating policy here, yeonjun. we have already disabled all your social media accounts, and we'll let you off this time. next time-"

"you what?" the blue-haired boy quickly, leaving a screech from his chair. 

"sit down, yeonjun. as i said, we-" the dumbfounded man was cut off abruptly. 

"you disabled my social media accounts? what gives you the right to do that? what will beomgyu feel after this?"


"whatever, fire me. i will activate my account again, because you have no right in invading my personal life." shooting the man a look, yeonjun pushed open the wooden door.


choi yeonjun step on me

beomgyu, i'm so sorry

i was unaware of what the company did

i'm so sorry

not delivered!

oh my god

please, beomgyu

not delivered!


search keyword "beomgyu" ?

yes no


oops! user CHOIBEARGYU not found.

how about: choi bear



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