Chapter 3 - Love you goodbye

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*Authors note!*
Hi guys! Please leave comments down below, I would really appreciate it! Tips to improve the story and my writing are always welcome!

Stay save and take care of each other.
x Z.

"Zoey. Zoey, wake up!" I heard a faint voice, as I was still half asleep.
"Hey sleepyhead! WAKE UP!" 

Nope, I'm not in the mood to get up. It is way to early and I feel a little hungover from the drinks at the graduationparty yesterday. I ignore the voice and keep my eyes shut. Maybe the owner of the voice will go away. 

"I know you're awake Zoey, come on, wakey-wakey!" 

I groan to let the voice know I'm awake, and I pull the pillow over my head. 

"Okay... You asked for it". 

Before I realised what those words mean, I felt someone climb on the bed and he starts jumping up and down, making me seasick. I growl and roll over so I was on my back. Liam was jumping on my bed, trying to wake me up. I try to kick him off my bed and my foot hits him on his left shin. Liam lost his balance, falls over and lands right on top of me. 

"Urgh! Well dammit Liam! Get of me, I'm awake now." I say. 

I sat up, with Liam still lying on my lap, crying with laughter. 

"Why did I have to wake up in the firstplace?" I ask him.

Liam sat up and dried his eyes from all the laughing, trying to calm himself. "Ohh, I needed a good laugh" he said. "Well, I woke you up because I'd like to spent some time with my sister, it's almost 2PM and that's more than enough sleep." 

I look over to my alarm and it really said 2PM. "Wow, guess I was more tired than I tought." I reply, looking a bit sheepish. 

"I had to carry you in last night, so yeah, you were tired." I burry my face in my hands, a little embarrassed. 

"Anyway!" I said, trying to change the subject. "Any plans for today? Do you want to go somewhere?" 

Liam chuckles at the sudden change of subject. "Well, mom is out working all day, because she took the day off yesterday. So we've got the house to ourself. She said she'll be home around 8PM, she's got this fancy dinnerparty with her colleagues tonight. But I don't feel like going outside, so maybe we could just chill and watch some movies?" He suggested. 

"Yeah, fine with me. Let me change in something comfortable and I'll come down." 

Liam and I spend the afternoon watching a movie; Maze Runner. When it ended, Liam turns the television off and looks at me. "What should we do now?" he asked. 

I shrug. "We could watch the next part, it's a trilogy so we've got two more movies to see." 

Liam thinks about this option and nods. "Yeah okay, we should watch the second part as well. But first..." He said while standing up from the couch. "... I need something to eat." 

I jumped off the couch as well. "Oh yeah! I'm starving!" I said as I trotted to the kitchen, reaching it before he did. I heard Liam chuckle. 

"What?" I said, looking as innocent as possible. 

He walked into the kitchen and looked at me, a smile on his face. "Well, I guess some thing never change." He said. 

"Oh, shut it." I said, as I peeked into the cabinets, looking for food. "Urgh, there's only healthy stuff in here but I feel like snacking." I complained. 

Liam grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and walked back to the livingroom. 

"Liam! Come back here and help me search!" I whine as I opened the cabinet I just closed, as if the snacks magically appeared. 

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