"It must be hard to work for such a hot man huh? Someday maybe you will work for me too because I know he'll marry me"
"Yes it's hard and one of the most important work Mr. Jeon has given me is to throw the trash every morning which he has used and...
Taehyung stared at Jeongguk with an unbelievable look after the Raven head shouted at him. How could he say that? After all Taehyung was the one who handled every thing while the other spent his time in bars and clubs or hotels, fucking a random women, wasting plastic.
Without uttering a single word the beauty walked out of the office with sadness written over his unreal face. Jeongguk on the other hand,was still pissed. The real reason was that one of girls he slept with stole 500$ from his wallet, but oh well he took out his anger on secretary Kim as usual. The Raven head didn't realize what he did, he didn't even apologised for shouting at Taehyung for absolute no reason.
Taehyung sighed as he finished the final paperwork. He dropped the pen and stretched his arms. It was already 1 am, no one was in the office. He had to stay because Jeongguk made him work extra hours for being 'lazy'. A single tear dropped off his beautiful eyes as he started recalling the memories when his so called boss treated him as shit. It was on daily basis even if it wasn't his fault. Taehyung, even if he did the best work would get scolded for no reason. The work load on him was immense as of he was the CEO.
He sighed for the nth time this time hearing his stomach grumble, and decided to message his colleague or better word his best friend, Jimin.
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Taehyung was now fully convinced. He wanted to resign because he couldn't control his emotions any more. Everything was too much for him. Jeongguk treated him like shit and he was tired, tired of being treated like a trashcan.
Just a filler! I'll update more often. Vote and comment please.