Pillow fight

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Hey lads I'm back! I know it's been a while but omg Sarah released the title and release date for Acotar#5 aaaa I'm pretty sure I had an excited meltdown, if that's even a thing lol. How does everyone feel about A COURT OF SILVER FLAMES  ??? Where did the freakin and go lol

No but I'm definitely excited to read Nessian's story and I cannot wait because we have been waiting over two years for this book so it better be beyond good and knowing Sarah I bet it will.

Anyway hope you guys enjoy this!!


(Rhysand POV )

"Come here, Feyre darling," I purred from my spot where I was lounging on our bed. 

My mate didn't even bother to turn and look at me in her chair, and was doing an impressive job of holding up her mental shields and keeping me out of her mind.

"I'm working Rhys, and you should be too," she sniped bossily. 

I pouted for effect, even though she couldn't see me. "Love, I'm tired. Come cuddle with me."

Feyre tucked her chair even further into the desk. What a tease. "I said no, Rhysand."

I fell back onto the bed against the many cushioned pillows, and sprawled my body out. "Okay, you know me too well," I sighed. "I will admit that I didn't want to just cuddle. Don't you want sexy time?" 

The trick worked. Feyre immediately turned around in her seat and groaned. "Please don't ever call it that again," she begged. 

"What?" I grinned. "Sexy time?"

Feyre huffed, turning back around to the huge piles of paperwork before her, but not before shooting me a piercing glare. "You make me sick."

"You don't love me," I commented, turning onto my side. 

She scoffed. "You're right, I don't."

I sat up quickly, the challenge ringing in my head as I picked up a pillow. "Think fast, Cursebreaker," and with that, I hurled the pillow at her.

The room went dead silent for a minute as the pillow hit Feyre's head and rebounded off on to the floor with a soft thud, and my mate didn't move an inch. 

Until I watched all of the pillows and cushions around me slowly rise into the air as Feyre narrowed her beautiful blue eyes at me. "You are going to wish that you were never born, Rhysand."

Well shit. I gulped, not even daring to breathe. "That's cheating. No magic allowed," I said, cautiously eyeing my mate. 

Feyre tilted her head ever so slightly. God, she was dangerous. "We make our own rules here apparently."

My eyes widened involuntarily as a small evil smirk made its way onto her face. "No! Feyre darling, my love, my entire-" my desperate calls were forced to an end as I was bombarded by each pillow, one by one.

I fought my way out of the mounds of cushions surrounding me, listening to Feyre's laughter becoming gradually louder. "Damn!" I hissed. "Why do I always fail to seduce you? Alright mate, you're on."

She was too engrossed in her own laughter, bent over and clutching her stomach, to notice how quickly I advanced upon her and brought a pillow down upon her head multiple times, albeit a little gently because I wasn't looking to physically hurt her. Feyre's screams followed, and soon we were both dancing around with pillows flying every which way around the room. 

The door burst open to reveal Cassian standing in a menacing stance in the doorway, his eyes roving around the room. "Why can I hear my High Lord and Lady screaming lik.... Waaait what the fuck is going on in here??"

Feyre shrugged, her cheeks coloured a faint shade of red as she pushed a few loose locks of her golden hair back from her face. "Pillow fight. Hey Cass, come here and help me beat up your sad excuse of said idiot High Lord," she laughed as she said the words.

I was springing to action within seconds, my ears twitching. "Don't you dare move an inch, Cassian. That's a direct order -" but the General was already marching towards Feyre, head held high with purpose. 

"You know I've always got my wonderful sister-in-law's back," he said as he reached Feyre's side, before turning to me with a wicked smirk. "Incoming, Rhysie."

And as I was focused on the wide grin spreading itself across my mate's face, I was again caught off guard and hounded repeatedly. 

Our loud laughter and screams (Cassian obviously doing the high-pitched screaming) could probably be heard echoing throughout the walls of the riverfront estate, and not long after we were joined by Mor, Amren and even Azriel. 

Feyre had the whole Inner Circle wrapped around her finger it seemed, (not really, she had obviously bribed them with various promises) and they all found pure delight in harassing their High Lord. I swear to the Mother that it was an uneven battle.

But I didn't care, not when we were all jumping carelessly around the room acting like five-year olds, because in that moment we were happy, and we were together. 


Sorry guys, I feel like that was kinda short and lame lol :/

I know some people might be wondering why I don't ever really include Elain and Nesta in anything but that's because I honestly don't really know where they fit in at the moment, which is why I'm super excited for A Court of Silver Flames AAAA JANUARY 26 GUYYYSS!!! It is coming. 

But I really do hope that you guys enjoyed this and I'll hopefully be back very soon with another update. 

Let me know what else you guys want to see, if you have any ideas etc. and please leave a vote because that would mean a lot to me.

Love you all,, byeee!!

Ayesha xoxox

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