Day Eight

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A/N: I apologize that this is a few days late. I didn't realize how busy I would be this Christmas, but anywho, for those who are still in the Christmas spirit ... I hope this story warms your hearts. 

Also, I hope each and everyone of you had a great holiday vacation and have an even more amazing new year. Happy Reading ♡

Erin Lou Park

                The clock ticked 7:59 and just as I looked through my bedroom window, a familiar black Ford pulled up on my driveway. I grabbed the box of donuts I had gotten earlier this morning and walked downstairs to the front door. “Bye Ma, Benjy’s here.” I called out to her even though I knew she was sleeping. It was just something we always did to each other – a familiar daughter/mother thing.

                I opened the front doors while I put on my black boots, catching sight of Benjy behind the steering wheel. Even when it was this early in the morning, his hair was still neatly combed. It made me remember all the times I would see him early at school with one part of his hair always plopped up on his head. I guess he finally learned how to manage it.

As I climbed into his car, we both greeted each other with the box of donuts we had both gotten for each other. He laughed as I tossed my donuts to the side.

                “Well, the more the merrier.” He said as I buckled my seatbelt.

                “Benjy, you didn’t have to do this.” I stated. It was a little uncanny of him to suddenly want to keep me company on this trip. Plus, he hated waking up in the morning or at least, that’s what I remember of him.

                “Erin Lou, I offered.”

                “I mean, I could’ve driven myself, you know.” I said, opening my box of donuts first. “Chocolate, sprinkles, or glazed?”

                He thought for a while and then pointed to the chocolate one. My favorite one. “That one.” I handed it to him on a piece of napkin and he took a bite of it; some crumbs falling onto to his lap. “And like I said on the phone with you last night, it’s completely fine.”

                I sat quietly and as soon as he merged on the freeway, he looked over at me. “Erin Lou, trust me, it will be better going with someone.”

                Something glimmered in his eyes and he placed his hand over mines. I tried my best to ignore the spark it sent through my body. Why did his hand send sparks through my body?! “I guess.” I said, looking out the window to distract my beating heart. “I mean I would’ve been very bored on this one hour drive anyways.”

                “You’re right, Erin Lou, I am very interesting.”

                And then he began this vivid description of how interesting his persona was and the whole time, I subtly watched as his thumb ran circles around my hand. I waited, a little bit scared, that he would take his hand away, but he never did.

                The graveyard may have been more eerie than I had ever seen it before. Even though it was early in the morning, the sun was covered up by the big clouds above us so there was barely light out. When we walked past tombstones, we could barely see what was ahead of us since the fog contained us.

I had almost stumbled head-first into the grass when Benjy held onto my arm. He seemed normally okay with this killer, graveyard setting.

“Erin Lou, you’re going to hurt yourself.”

“I am not going to – Ouch!” I rubbed my head, because I had just rammed into a wall.

                “Can you even see?”

                “That seems a bit racist?” Although, I really couldn’t see anything. “Are you making fun of my chinky eyes?”

                He turned around almost immediately and then I bumped into his chest. I could see him trying not to laugh. “E-Erin Lou, you can hold my hand if you want too.”

                “I think I got it.” I sarcastically smiled, pushing him away.  

When we reached my dad’s headstone, I immediately bowed my head and I watched as Benjy did the same thing. He left seconds later to stand near a tree, giving me some time with my dad.

                “Hi Pa.” I sat down, wiping his headstone and placing a few of his favorite flowers down on the grass. Tears had already started falling down my face already when I started talking about how beautiful my life has been this past couple years. I also apologized that I hadn’t been visiting him as much as I could.

                “…And then my roommate from college just got engaged to her boyfriend James. I had been asked to be a bridesmaid at her wedding, Pa.” I said, talking about my college experience in Yale. I suddenly felt myself grow sorrow once realizing something. “I-I … just wished you would be there for my wedding.”

                Something inside of me made me look back at Benjy kicking some rocks on the ground since I had been with my Dad’s gravestone for many minutes now. He walked up to me when he saw me staring at him and sat down next to me. His arm snaked up around me and he pulled me close beside him.

Benjy, the guy I used to loathe, was somehow willing to come with me at a special moment like this. Anything involving my father was special to me because I missed him so much, it hurt. He wiped a falling tear from my face with the back of his hand and I sighed.

There was this strange feeling in my gut that I didn’t really feel before. Something telling me that I was glad that Benjy, out of all people, was here beside me right now. Not Joanna, my roommate and best friend. Not Etta. Not Annie. Not even my mother.

 “Hi Mr. Park.” He smiled. I don’t think he noticed me gazing at him. “You’re daughter turned out great.”


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