Chapter 13

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5 months later~

Sasha p.o.v~
Wassup y'all i am now 8 months pregnant and can pop any minute its december and today is my baby shower and we are having it here as a BBQ im having a girl so everybody wears pink see where we live it never gets to hot or cold so the hoes can show the ass at all times anyway I'm laying down next to my beautiful husband he was knocked out he had a long night so that's why but it's 4 so he need to get that ass up cause the baby shower starts at 5:30 and ends at 9

"Bae get up"

"5 more minutes"

I pinched his ear and smacked his bare sexy ass muscular bare chest

"Get up"

"I'm up I'm up"

"Better be"

"Good morning baby"

"It's the afternoon nigga"

"Alright I'm gone go shower"

"Ok go tell Kay Kay to get up and get in the shower her clothes will be laid out when I'm done showering"


He kissed my forehead and walked out i got up and wobbled to the bathroom i took a piss and got in the shower after 20 minutes i got out brushed my teeth and walked out i wobbled to our closet dried off put on a black bra and pantie set along with lotion and deodorant then got dressed in a light pink high low dress,white flats,silver chunky chain,silver chunky bracelet,and silver chanel studs i sprayed on some s chanel perfume and went in the bathroom i flat ironed my hair and put on some pink lipstick i walked out the bathroom and wobbled down the hall to Kay Kay's room i wobbled in her closet and picked out some spongebob panties and some lotion and deodorant i sat that on her bed and picked out her light pink polo shirt white sign,white high waisted skinny jeans,white polo socks,and light pink allstars i grabbed her k necklace and some pink studs and walked out i laid her stuff in her bed along with her hair bucket i walked out of her room and went downstairs to the kitchen i ate some pickles and penutbutter and drunk some fruit juice then august and Kay Kay came downstairs august had on the same thing as kay kay

"Well don't y'all look cute"

They both looked each other up and down and smiled

"Tt you gone so my hair"

"Yea go get your bucket"

She ran upstairs and august came in the kitchen and held my waist from the front

"Baby you look so beautiful pregnant"

"Thank-you august"

"Your welcome"

He leaned in and kissed me passionately i grabbed both sides of his face and kissed back

"I got the-ewww"

We pulled away and laughed at Kay Kay's facial expression

"Come on baby girl"

I said pulling away we went in the den and i sat on the couch while she sat on the floor i took her hair out the braids and brushed some of it in a ponytail and left the back down i put a light pink bow where her rubber band showed



"No problem"

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