Chapter 25

433 11 2

5 Years Later~

Amoni p.o.v~

I'm now 21 and fully grown and i gave birth to my beautiful daughter Heaven Elise Alsina years ago now she is 5 and beautiful her father wasn't ugly he was just a rapist he is I'm jail for life because of drugs,murder,and rape I'm glad my baby look just like me thank God cause i don't know-how i could live if she looked like him my family?they invited me to a BBQ today cash?blows my phone up every day my friends?we still have sleepovers Lol but y maim priority is my daughter i went to school after i had her and now i have my own business it's a center for teen girls that are pregnant and need help kinda of like a hotel anyway i got of my kingsized bed and walked to the bathroom my dad sends me money but i spend it on my house and my daughter i use my money for me and put up the rest that is left over after me and heaven go shopping but i get 30 thousand a month so we good i also forgot to say i have this bid beautiful house and i give my daughter the world anyway i got undressed and got in the shower when i got out i wrapped a towel around my body and walked out and went in my huge closet and put on a black laced bra and thong set deodorant and lotion then got dressed (in mm) i sprayed on some chanel and walked out i went in the bathroom curled my hair and walked out and went into heavens room

"Snuggle bug get up"

She moaned and stood up i pointed towards her bathroom she rubbed her eyes and went in the bathroom i went in her closet and looked around for a outfit it's hee first time meeting her family so she gotta be swagged out hopefully cash isn't there cause if he is i would be the shit out of him anywho i got her undergarments(Dora panties),lotion,and perfume sat it on the bed and picked out a black tank top,white Hi-low skirt,black gladiator sandels,white studs,black bracelets,and black and white "mini me" necklace i sat that on her bed and sat down watching spongebob don't judge me about 20 minutes later she came out went in the closet and got dress and then came out and sat in front of me i grabbed her dora hair bucket from off her night stand and thought about what to do with her hair i decided on 4 braids in the front and the extra hair in a bow i put a black bow where the rubberband showed and got up

"Go get my purse mini me and then we can leave"


I got up and went downstairs in the kitchen and just my luck no food looks like we gotta go shopping for 2 people we eat slot the only thing i had left was fruit juices it will do i grabbed two

"Hurry up stink"

She came running down the stairs with my velvet Chanel purse is it bad that my baby got taste at this age?hell Naww save me slot of time when she pick out my clothes anyway I grabbed it and the fruit juices and we walked outside i walked over to the range and sat my stuff in the passenger seat and buckled my baby in the back when i was done i got in the front and sped off to my parents house


When we got there it was packed to the max i parked in the driveway and helped my baby get out and then we walked in i looked around and seen no body so i went in the backyard and saw everybody they all looked at me shocked and went back to what they where doing i cleared my throat and then my mom came up to me

"hey amoni"

"hi mom"

I said hugging her it really wasnt my mom that neglected me it was my dick head of a dad she looked down at heaven that was playing with my phone

"and who is this precious thing"

"i heaven who are you"

"im your grandma"

"oh hi grandma"

She said smiling showing her deep dimples that i saw when her "father" busted a nut in me

"how you been amoni"

"fine just peachy"

That waa half a lie i have nightmares about what happened how my father and "botfriend" yelled at me and worst of all no-one to hold me

"ok well foods over there  if you need me i will be over there"

She said pointing i nodded my head and looked around then somebody tapped my I turned around and looked up at the world's biggest asshole my ex boyfriend

"uhh hey amoni"


"you look beautiful"


he looked so mature now i guess getting older did us all well

"Who's this"

"my daughter heaven"

"Hi Shorty I'm cash"

he said bending down to her level she took a step back and looked up at him


" you been"


"Look I'm sorry about what happened"

"I'm fine just great because i got raped,pregnant,acused of cheating and it all happened by people i loved do you know how that makes me feel i really wanted to kill myself buy i dint for the sake of my child"

"Look I'm sorry i was just heated because i thought you cheated on me i don't take betrayal well so can you just forgive me"

"Alright i forgive but never forget"

"Ok so what you doing tonight"

"Nothing i have to get her ready for school tomorrow"

"How about i come over tonight cause i think me have some making up to do"

he said wiggling his eyebrow i arched mimes and crossed my arms over my chest

"I Guess so"

he grabbed me by my butt and pulled me into a long passionate kiss and then we pulled away

"heaven how about you go play with the kids"

"okay mommy"

she gave me my phone and ran off i put it in my purse and looked up at cash even with heels on he's still a giant to me

"you talked to your dad"


and tbh i really don't want to i mean it hunted me when cash neglected me but damn my own father

"come on you need to what about your brother"

come to think of it he dint even know now he is 20 oh well ig we have a fucked up family

"your right"

"ik now grab heaven and let her meet her folks"

i rolled my eyes i grabbed heaven and walked over to my parents and their friends

"hey guys"

everybody said hey while my father eyes where glued to heaven ig he feels guilty well he should

"uhh hey dad"

"hey baby girl is this my beautiful granddaughter"

"yess what's your name"

"just call me paw paw"


"how you been"


And that whole day everybody made up and had a great time

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