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No One's POV :

" Princess wake up.." Sharp 6.30 in the morning, Taeyeon wake Emma up.

" Mmm...5 more minutessss," She yawns.

" The Queen told me, that you must be ready before 7.15,"

" Okay, Okay..I'm......" Emma continues sleep.

" Princess..!"

" YES YES I'm up!" Emma quickly get up from her bed.

She saw the short white dress hanged in front of her walk-in closet. It's white theme today, for breakfast.
She get up and walk to her bathroom.
She only take about 10 minutes to shower, she go to her walk in closet and wear the short white dress with brown heels.

 She only take about 10 minutes to shower, she go to her walk in closet and wear the short white dress with brown heels

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" I guess everything looks pretty on you, Princess." Taeyeon walk closer to her, scanning Emma's figure.

Emma chuckled at her statement and walk exit her closet.

She thought about not wanting to style her hair, she just make her hair into low ponytail style. With some lip balm and moisturiser.

Both the Princess and Maid walk to the dining room, as the Queen told.

As usual, the door opened by the maids inside, Emma walk into the dining room with Taeyeon at the back.

" Good Morning Emma!" Prince Seungcheol greet her while she was about to greet everyone. She reply with a warm smile. She did remembered about last night, their first interaction. Already made Emma feel less awkward here.

" Princess you shouldn't greet us everyday like you're normal person. You're our family, my daughter," The King's words making her freeze at her place.

Taeyeon tapped her shoulder as she lead her way to her place. She just follow Taeyeon from behind.

" Remember today, Princess today is the day.." The Queen said to her as Emma slowly sit between Prince Jihoon and Prince Chan.

" Yes.." She answer slowly, only for Queen and people near her to heard it.

" You know, Princess. You should be more confident in front of your brothers." Emma freeze her gaze on King.
She smiled to the King sign as she'll try.

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