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The hotness from the sun entering the full of sorrow room. Making slowly Kim Emma lift up both of her eyelids. " Emma, wake up. Eat the breakfast I prepared," Not wanting her Aunt waiting, she silently get up from her bed and go to the bathroom for a bit before quickly went to the kitchen.

" Here, it the rice. You'll be better." Her Aunt said. Hoping the girl to at least speak to her. But it's just a fake hope that Emma just dig in silently. She can't do anything other than stay hoping.

Knock Knock

" Goodmorning Miss Emma?" The person from the outside somehow like asking question either this is the wrong house, and got both of their attention to look at the main door.

Her Aunt quickly walk to the main door and opened it. She slowly walk outside, closing the door. Leaving Emma eating alone at the kitchen.

After a few minutes of silent, the main door opened again. Revealing about 10 unknown people enter the house.

" Emma! There're few people want to meet you,"

'Probably the reporters' She thought. She walk to the living room planned to kick them out. Why can't people understand to respect other's privacy, at least just report it based on what happened on the spot. Not everyone likes to talk about something that bring trauma to themselves.

" These are The King an Queen," Her Aunt said. She making an eye contact with both of the leader of Korea. She froze.

" I have few things to ask you..Miss Emma. Am I right?" She was kind of shock because the highness just called her by her name. She slowly nodded and sit in front of them. Awkwardness took all over her body.

" I have thoughts of adopting you..if you agreed with that.." The Queen let it out without a warning. Making Emma and Sihyeo lift their eyes up quickly at them.

'What? Suddenly? Out of blue? What did she said?Why would they want to adopt me? Did they thought they can play around with this kind of things? Am i a toy? Did i got this attention just because my parents died in an accident? What if they left me in a random haunted orphan after the news of my parents's dead is not the main topic of people anymore? Who they think they are?"

" Only if Emma agreed.."

The words bring her back to reality. Her Aunt stare at her. Waiting for her answer too. She looked at her aunt before return the stare to The Queen and her bodyguards.

'What should I say? What's the best decision? Why is everyone waiting for my answer? Can't someone just answered it for me? Someone help me!' She got drowned by her own thoughts.

Emma's POV :

" Why..? I'm just a normal girl.." Finally I got some random words that just popped up. I sigh mentally. Can't they let me take time for myself?

"My husband has heart of diamond. He always have a soft sport for orphans in his heart. He've been raising our children with full care and love too." The Queen speak up for her husband. I'm just speechless. Don't know what to say. What am i supposed to say? Do i need to nodded? Aren't it'll be awkward?

I awkwardly nodded before let my gaze fall down to my fingers. 'stupid! it's so awkward'

" We've been waiting.. for a long time to get a daughter. We've tried hard enough, but we always failed." The King let out sad chuckled. I can sense sadness in his voice.

My inner sympathy finally show itself. But I still can't think of any answer. 'Yes or No?' that words have keep playing in my mind like a alarm clock.

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