Chapter 2: First day

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Scarlet's POV

"Remember Scar you don't have to fit in or do anything these teenagers of this generation do, most likely parties and stuffs if you don't want to nor am I telling you to do it. You would be enrolled in a public school. It's school's name is "Montello Montez College School". But unfortunately the president's son is in a private school along with that boy. But it would be dangerous for you to attend with the same school as them, it would quickly reveal you. That would mostly be it, but for you to guard that stupid leader there will be a "School Visit Program" it means that every public school must have a student or a group of students to represent their school. The students chosen are-is-the smartest and most active students of the school and I have no doubt that both of you would be chosen. After all you have the highest GPA the principal knew of and in second comes Tyler with a 4.50 GPA. That's all about it for the meantime.Oh and you and your partner will be using the names "Huntress Lodge" and "Alexander Anderson". The rest will be up to you both.Good luck Scar. Make sure you won't fail me. The killing of the leader of Atrocious palace won't only bring us victory but also would show that no one should and WILL mess with Blacksmith Mafia." my father told me

I left his office after I gave a curt nod and a goodbye.

I'm headed towards my bughatti veyron when I noticed that something was moving inside, I walked towards the vehicle with caution. When I was near I quickly opened the door and saw something.....someone

He have brown hair and mesmerizing blue eyes. He's about 6"2 and has a built body for a fighter. Like father said, he is the best. But not the same as me. He got out and hovered over me. We locked gazes lost in each other's eyes. Then I realized that sooner or later we would be late.

But also that why did this boy looks like he found his other half of his life.

I broke our gazes and shoved him away to enter the driver's seat when he spoke up after recovering from the stare-off.

"My name's Tyler" he said then outstretched his hand for me to take but i only responded with a simple nod. I continued to walk but he blocked my way with his arm

" So, I guess we're partners now. I'm 19 by the way and yeah, your father also said that we need to finish this mission before the school year ends." he continues to ramble but I walked forward not even minding his presence.

I got in the car and so did he. The whole five minutes is was complete silence for the both of us and only the music can be heard. That until he broke it.

" So, your father also said that we would be living together. He just bought a 3-storey house that's fully furnished and well, it's close to the house of this boy named "Cole Ashton Feniere" he said emphasizing his name but also with disgust.

I would respond by only a curt nod and just continue to look straightforwardly, he must have noticed that I was getting annoyed when he would talk some stuff so he decided to shut up.

The rest of the car ride was silent. When we were in front of the school building I saw that it's a luxurious place for a public school. It has a fountain in the middle and I notice it has every sports court and a swimming pool too with a field.

" Why won't they change into a private school?" I thought to myself

After all, the school has money but they wouldn't want to change into a private school. I even think that they are richer than the other private schools except the " D'or Académie" where the president's goes and that asshole of a leader.

I then parked the car and turned the engine off and opened the door ready to come out when he decided to speak

" Alexander also said to lay low for the meantime as to not blow up your identity. Also he said never to go without me, we should act like proper relatives. So, for the meantime act like a goody-good two shoes...." then I turned to him and glared at him, he then cleared his throat to continue but his face showed that he could piss anytime in his pants of the glare that I gave him

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