Ch. 29 Crossways

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One Year Later


I heard Tory from downstairs, knowing she needed me. I raced down the stairs with Piper right behind me, making sure she didn't try to trip me when she wanted to get in front of me.

As I walked downstairs, I saw Tory sitting on the couch while rubbing her stomach. I smile at her as I approached her then stopped. "Yes baby?"

"I need you." She held her arms out for me to climb on top of her and cuddle. I lay my head against her chest and listened to her heart beat.

Laying on her felt right. Like it always has everyday of my life, waking up to her and going to bed with her next to me.

It was a dream and I don't want to wake up.

We stayed in that position for a while as I felt her heart beat and she started rubbing my back. I honestly couldn't be more happy at this moment.

We got married a few months back, which was amazing. It was so gorgeous.

We got married outside underneath the sun, with flowers surrounded us.

Everyone was there and it felt amazing.

The place was beautiful and the effort, time and money put into it really did show at the end when everything came out perfect.

Our parents helped us with everything. They planned and paid for the whole thing, which was nice and mom couldn't stop crying about it all.

Tory finally has a life that she's been wanting and I'm glad that I can provide for her and give her the things she wants and needs.

My mom finally told me that she knew Tory was wanted to propose, so she had to shy away from talking about it with me when I wanted to propose.

It all made sense now.

Our wedding was amazing.

It was beautiful and so expensive, which I didn't want but you can't tell my mom no.

We had everyone there and it was a dream come true to be surrounded by friends and family.

We were finally getting our happily ever after.

I finally called that place over in the city and I'm now pursuing a career as a piaonst.

It's a dream come true and I'm blessed beyond measures.

I knew that I had an easy life when I was growing up. But I also knew that I didn't take it for granted or become conceited when it came to that. I knew other people were more less fortunate than me and I wasn't about to abuse that power in any way.

But I also knew that when I found out about Tory, I wasn't going to back away from it.

Her lifestyle had nothing to do with anything. I didn't care where she came from, what she did or how she lived her life.

All those idiots that left her for it, I'm glad that did because I wouldn't have had the chance to meet her and become her wife.

I knew I wanted her in my life and nothing about her was going to change the way I saw her.

She was perfect to me and still is.

We're married now and we're about to start a family.

Tory was seven months pregnant, which I knew she was getting closer. She was nervous but she wasn't going to show that.

When we went to find out the gender of our baby, we were both excited to know that it was a girl.

We couldn't be more happier and the whole planning thing wasn't that bad.

Both of us were supportive and Tory wanted to be the one to carry the baby, which I was on board with.

We talked about it for several months until we knew it was time to start a family.

Our lives were beginning to change for the better.

I roll off of her then watch as she looks over at me. I smile as I take her hand and give it a light kiss then rubbing her knuckles and looking at the tv.

The things that happened within a year, really showed our growth.

Chase started doing so much better.

He went back to school and didn't get into anymore trouble. He stayed away from Patricia and started dating another girl, who I met and is so much better.

I'm proud of him.

Regina came back around and we talked. I didn't really know what to expect but it turns out that she has changed and wanted to be friends.

I gave her a chance, but was still on guard.

Even though it's been a few years.

Jamie's dad handled all the situation with Kayla's durg dealers. She had nothing to worry about anymore and she's now clean.

She went to rehab for a while, got better and is doing great.

We were still friends, hanging out every other day. We get into some crazy shit, but not too crazy enough to get us killed.

That night with her dealers, I never mentioned it to Tory. I knew that it didn't matter anymore cause it was in the past and nothing I say now will matter.

Kayla quit her job at the cafe and went onto better things. She's making a lot more money, living in a better place and away from all the negativity.

She's also dating that Pizza Hut girl for about seven months now. I told her I was super happy for her and wished her the best.

She deserves it.

Jamie and Ayden come down when they can. We hang out and they're both happy for me.

When I called them that night Tory proposed, Jamie was screamig the whole time. She was happy for me and couldn't wait to be the maid of honor.

Ayden was happy and said that he knew it was about time for us to tie the knot.

I couldn't ask for better friends.

Quitting the job at the cafe was never in my future, but I knew I wanted to venture out more and start a new adventure.

I'm living the life I always wanted to live with the love of my life next to me.

Giving Tory this lifestyle has always been my dream and I'm glad I get to show her the love and support she's been missing.

"Have you thought about the name for our baby?"

I look over at her as she was watching me. I knew that naming our daughter was going to be hard and it was. I couldn't figure out any names, and it shows that you really don't know how many people you hate until you start naming your child.

"How about Morgan?" I smile at her.

She nods then smiles as she looks at me. "Morgan Lane?"

"Yeah. Our last names together."

"I love that." She chuckles before pulling me towards her and wrapping her arms around me. "I love you, Mrs. Lane."

Leaning up, I look at her with a smile. "I love you, Mrs. Lane."

This may be the end of our chapter, but it isn't the end of our story.

Crossing lines with someone is a blessing in disguise.

Even when you come to a crossway with many obstacles in your way, you always know which road to take.

The End


The ending came sooner than I thought! This book has been a blessing and I'm glad I wrote a sequel at your requests!

I really hope y'all enjoyed it.

As always, much love xx

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