To Find A Sannin! Part 2

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You stood Next to Jiraiya and Naruto, with Might Guy in front of you, Holding Sasuke on his back. You frowned, seeing his unconscious form, but didn't speak.

"Alright, We'll Leave Sasuke to You." Jiraiya said to Guy, who stood there for a moment.

"Master Jiraiya. Find the Lady Tsunade and bring her back to us." He said, and Naruto spoke up quickly.

"Don't Worry! You can Count on Us! We'll have her back in the village in no time!" Naruto said, and you nodded in agreement.

Guy Gaped at you all, surprised with Naruto's Outburst and Jiraiya chuckled before placing his hands on both yours and Naruto's Heads.

"Naruto, (Y/n). Nothing impresses me more then guts." Guy said, before proceeding to try and give you both a Green jumpsuit. You and Jiraiya deadpanned, but Naruto seemed pretty excited about it. Naruto took his from Might Guy, while you politely declined. Jiraiya's Eye began to twitch and you laughed, nudging him on the waist. He looked down at you and his gaze softened.

You all Waved at Guy as he walked away with Sasuke. You turned to Naruto as he grinned at the Jumpsuit.

"Don't even think about it. I mean, Look at him. That thing is Goofy." Jiraiya said, and you chuckled as Guy turned and gave you guys a thumbs up while grinning. You snorted as you all returned to your journey to find Tsunade.

You all walked down a dirt road, swinging your arms back and forth as you side eyed Naruto. He grunted, and Jiraiya stopped to look at him.

"What's up?" Jiraiya said to him, and Naruto had a look of Turmoil on his face.

"So, Pervy-Sage, What exactly do those guys want with Me and (Y/n) anyways." Naruto said, and now you were interested. Sure, You knew why they wanted Naruto, but you didn't have a clue why they needed you.

Jiraiya hummed in thought as Naruto told to hurry up and spill it.

"It's not you that they want, Naruto, It's what's inside you." He said to him, and Naruto held his stomach.

"What the Hell is this thing anyways?" Naruto asked and Jiraiya continued to smirk. You sighed as Naruto began to talk about the Nine tails, and You just listened.

"The Nine-Tailed fox destroys all that lays in its path. As powerful as any act of Nature, men trembled before it. As to why they would want it? I honestly don't know. I suppose with the Nine-Tails inside you, they want to control it and bend it to their will. As for (Y/n) Here, She's the bridge between Man and the Spirits. So, Having someone like her around, who only comes around once in a lifetime, their power could be endless." He said, and You gulped.

"Well, Then We'll just have to get stronger! Alright! Let's find this Tsunade person so we can start training!" Naruto yelled and you grunted in agreement.

You walked slowly beside the duo as they talked about Tsunade, thinking about things in the back of your head.

'I Wonder what will happen when Orochimaru comes for Tsunade. Will it be different since i'm there? who knows.' You thought as the three of you continued your venture

"Hey, You okay (Y/n)? I promise to protect you!" Naruto said, Halting his walk to wait for you. You looked at him before giving a thumbs up.

"I just don't Wanna be Booty Snatched by the Akatsuki." You told him, and he blinked at you.

"Booty Snatched?" He questioned and you just shrugged it off and kept walking.

"A Question for another time sweet boy." You told him and he just shrugged before following you.

"And Don't you dare put on that jumpsuit." You called out and he sighed sadly before running to actually catch up.

Time Skip~

You three made it to a bustling town, and Naruto seemed to be having the time of his life, since he was at a festival. He pulled out his Froggy wallet and Jiraiya googled at it before taking it and giving Naruto a little money. You sighed as you knew that Jiraiya was gonna spend all of that before running off with Naruto.

"Let's get something to eat!" Naruto said before getting a lot of food and finding a place for you to sit and eat. You sighed before looking up at the sky as Naruto Munched down on most of the food.

"Hey, Nart, Can I say something?" You asked your friend, who hummed in acknowledgement as he continued to shove noodles down his throat.

"I feel like it's not safe that I'm here. I feel like I would be better off back home." You admitted, only to here your blonde friend start to choke on his noodles. You looked at him startled as he began to catch his breath.

"(Y/n), If Pervy-Sage didn't think you were safe with us, He wouldn't have asked you to go. I want you here, and so does he. We promised to Train together and get stronger and that's exactly what I want to do, Believe it!" Naruto told you, learning back on his hands as he turned his head to look at you. You sighed before flopping yourself out like a Starfish, laying to look at the sky.

"I guess you're right, I suppose I'm just overthinking things like usual." You told him, before closing your eyes and letting out a puff of air through your nose.

You heard a thump on the ground beside you and cracked your eyes open to see Naruto lying beside you, his hands and arms folded behind his hand and a grin on his face as he stared at the sky.  You softly smiled before closing your eyes and just basking in this rare calm moment.

"Alright! Back to Training!" Naruto yelled as he got up and yanked you up to. He played games as his "Training" While you stood beside him and watched. Your training wasn't as physical as his, literally.

You and Naruto continued your fun, but it was time to find Jiraiya. You scowled as you knew he used all of Naruto's money, which is really low of him.

'I'm making that old Bastard Pay him back.' You thought gruffly as you bit into the grilled Squid that Naruto got you. You heard Jiraiya's Voice laughing and you and Naruto ran in to see him with two women.

"Now You've done it." You growled, cracking your knuckles as Naruto began to beat him with the squid.

Suddenly, the squid left Naruto's hand and hit a man as they walked in.

You all looked back as the other man beside him began to yell at you all. You frowned when he called you all street rats.

Jiraiya stood up and used the Rasengan on the man, making him crash into a stand.

The man seemed to recognize who Jiraiya was and gave him his wallet, and when he saw you and looked at your tattoos he paled. He stumbled up and bowed on his hands and knees in front of you, holding his head down.

"Please Forgive me, I didn't Realize the Avatar was Present as Well." He said, looking up at you in fear. You sighed before waving him off, and the people began to whisper about you and Jiraiya.

'Man, I really hate all this Attention.' You thought as you watched Jiraiya get all the balloons from the stand he blew up.

"Come on you two, It's training time!" Jiraiya said and you gave a thumbs up while Naruto cheered.

You sighed and followed them before looking up at the sky.

'We'll find you soon, Tsunade.'

Gonna cut this short because i literally had a whole part deleted and i was angry lol. stay tuned for part 3!


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