Part 1

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Shafts of sunlight protruded through the curtains landing directly onto Kassia's closed eyes. She groaned and pulled her blanket over her frizzy bronze curls. She just wanted to be welcomed back into the arms of unconsciousness. There was a muffled shout coming from downstairs but Kassia chose to ignore it. She must have dozed off because the next thing she knew her blanket was ripped off her and she heard a boisterous voice say "Wake up, lazy bones."

Her chestnut eyes opened a fraction just in time to see a blonde haired boy thrust a glass of cold water in her face. Kassia sat up with a cry and heard a harsh cackle as the boy left her room.

Water had soaked her pyjama top and was streaming down her face. She was now fully awake and fuming with anger. I'll get back at him, she thought to herself.

She got up from her bed and flicked her gaze at her clock. Not much time to get ready for school. She had to hurry.


Fifteen minutes later she was downstairs where her family had sat down to breakfast. They began getting up as she entered quickly picking up their things and getting ready to leave. The slender figure of her step-mum exited the house saying her farewells to everyone as she could be heard driving off to her modelling job.

Her step-brother, Ryan, gave her a spiteful grin knowing that his prank had worked to his satisfaction. Kassia scowled at him. Passing her he barged her shoulder as he joined his twin sister, Esme, who was waiting outside near a silver Mercedes.

Kassia hastily grabbed what was food was left on the table. Her dad, clad in his pressed, black business suit, had his arms crossed as he stood at the door his foot tapping impatiently.

"Kassia, we all have to leave so get out of this house now. "

His daughter partially ignored him, rummaging through the food cupboards when he repeated her name in a more dangerous tone.

"What!" she exclaimed frustratedly, "I have to make myself a lunch since no one bothered to remember I also exist in this household."

Her dad's face reddened. He stormed over to her and pulled her forcefully by the arm.

"Don't you dare disobey me, you little brat."

"So I'm supposed to starve?"

He sneered, his face turning a deeper shade of tomato, his jade eyes resembling those of an alligator.

"You better cut out the attitude, you hear me?"

"But I-"

The fuse exploded as Kassia felt her dad's hand slap across her face, her cheek instantly on fire. She gasped at the suddenness of it more than the pain.

"You're walking to school!" he shouted, "I don't care if you're late. You don't deserve a lift. Understood?"

Kassia nodded curtly, refusing to look her dad in the eye. She headed for the door. Ryan and Esme had been watching in glee as the commotion unfolded.

"Tut-tut. Look who got told off" Esme said patronisingly, pinchimg her step-sister's cheek as if she was a baby. Kassia swatted her hand away and marched past them. She heard the car engine start before the vehicle zoomed off, Ryan's head poking out of the window.

"Bye loser!" he hollered.

Kassia waited for them to be out of sight as she crossed the street. She made a beeline for the bus stop. With a half smile, she took out the bus card her cousin, Kaiden, had helped her get. Her dad and step-mum didn't bother with getting her one partially because they didn't want her to have the freedom of going wherever she wanted unlike her step-siblings.

Kassia's biological mum had divorced her dad when their daughter was four. Ever since, she lived with her mum until she died two years later of cancer. From then on, Kassia moved in with her dad and his new partner and her kids which meant she lost connection with people like her aunt and cousin, Caroline and Kaiden-family members her dad hardly knew. That is until she found Kaiden in her first year of high school. Since then her life had become infinitely better and she didn't feel like she had to bear her secrets alone.

The bus arrived and she got to school just as the bell rang. As she entered, someone slung their arm around her shoulders and she turned to face her cousin.

"Hey Cuz" he greeted cheerily. "You came late today."

Kassia laughed.

"Actually I was right on time thanks to my new secret weapon."

Kaiden's coffee complexion was lit up by a broad grin revealing shiny white teeth.

"That's great, Kas! I'm so happy it's come in handy."

Kassia returned the smile.

"Yeah I feel the same way."

Her face became serious as she faced him. He was slightly taller than her and had soft, compassionate brown eyes, a strong nose and an angular face.

"Look I got something for you." Kassia informed. "I mean, you and your family. Its nothing special."

Her cousin looked on inquisitively as Kassia knelt down to retrieve something form her bag. It was a box of chocolates. Kaiden's wore a perplexed expression.

"And this is because..."

"Duh, Kaiden," she said, rolling her eyes, "for everything you guys have helped me with."

His face softened.

"Hey, that's what families do" he said gently, "we look out for each other."

Kassia raised an eyebrow.

"I mean that's what they should do for each other" he corrected himself.

She scoffed before saying, "let's just go put these in your locker before they melt. Then we'll head to class."

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